Part 29*

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Readers pov:

"We need to talk." Steve said behind me.

"About?" I asked without turning around.

"What happened that night. When we slept together." he turned me around to face him.

"I don't want to talk about that. It was obviously a mistake."

He sighed and looked at me sadly. "It wasn't for me."

My eyes widened a bit. "But you were always rude to me. You're the reason I quit the team."

He looked down at the ground before looking up again. "Let's talk about this in your room please?"

I considered it for a bit before opening the door and letting him in. We walked over to the couch and sat down together.

"I didn't want to be rude to you, but i convinced myself i had to hate you, which i know realize was a very stupid idea." he told me.

"Why did you have to hate me?"

"Because I was attracted to you. And I have seen your...videos..."

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. "My videos? What video- oh..." my eyes widened with realization. "You saw my cam girl videos?"

"Yes, before I met you though. I requested something on-"

"Icecoldguy!" I interrupted. "You're the captain!"

He looked down bashfully. "Yeah. I felt awful about having seen you like that, so I figured I'd just stay away from you. Which again, was stupid."

"Yeah, really stupid." I sighed before an idea came to my head. "You do realize you're in my bedroom, don't you, captain." I smirked.

He looked at me surprised, "what?"

I pulled myself closer to him and put my hand on his thigh. "What's wrong with having a little fun? Just something casual, friends with benefits."

"Like having sex with no strings?"

I nodded my head. "Yup." I dragged my hand higher up his thigh.

I visibly saw him gulp before looking at my hand but he didn't remove it so I went further and palmed him through his pants causing him to groan. In a blink of an eye he had me pinned down on the couch with him lying on top of me.

"You really wanna play that game nightshade?" he smirked.

I looked up at him innocently. "What game captain?"

"Fuck this." he said before pulling me up and ripping off my blazer and my top, leaving me in just my pants. He pinned me down again and started kissing my neck.

"Is this what you wanted, little girl?" He kissed my jaw.

"Yes..." I moaned.

"You want my cock?"

"Uh Huh." I nodded.

"Well then you'll get it princess." He sat up and pulled down my pants and panties, throwing them on the floor, before taking off his shirt.

He leaned back down to me and continued his attack on my neck while trailing his hand down my stomach. I gasped once his fingers touched my clit and started rubbing in a circular motion.

"You like that?" he smirked, and I nodded. "Words princess."

"Yes, but please just fuck me."

"Look at you, begging for my cock. You think you can handle it?" he said and pushed two fingers into my hole. "You think you can take all of my cock in that little pussy of yours like last time?"

"Yes." I whined.

"Yes what?"

"Yes captain."

He sat up and pulled down his pants and boxers before pulling me up making my legs wrap around his waist. He pinned me to the wall before grabbing his cock and putting his tip against my hole. I wiggled to try and get it in but he just chuckled.

"You want it that bad huh?" he smirked before slamming into me, making me gasp. "Then you take it."

He started thrusting into me while gripping my thighs. "You're such a good girl." he groaned into my ear. "Think you can take me harder?"

"Yes, please captain, fuck me harder-" i whined.

He did exactly that and I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my moans but he just ripped it away.

"The rooms are soundproof, and I want to hear every little sound you make, sweet girl."

"Holy shit!" I screamed when he hit that spot.

"That's the spot huh? You're taking me so good, princess." he said with a groan.

"Fuck im gonna cum!" I moaned.

"Nuh uh. Beg for it and I might let you."

"Please captain, I'll do anything, I'll be your good little girl. Just please let me cum, please." I begged, not caring if I sounded desperate. He put his fingers on my clit and started rubbing, making me nearly scream.

"Cum for me, come on." he moaned.

"Shit!" I said as I finally got my release, and it only took a few more thrusts before I felt Steve finish inside of me. Thank god for birth control.

We stood like that for a minute catching our breath before I tapped his hand that was holding me up, so he would let me down. I started walking towards the bathroom when Steve stopped me.

"Wait, you lay down I'll get a warm towel for you." he gave me a small smile, and made me feel bad for what i was about to say.

"Steve i told you, this is just sex. I'll clean myself up, you should get to your room before anyone sees you."

I saw hurt flash in his eyes as his smile dropped and his face changed to a sad expression. "Oh. ok, sure." he started putting on his clothes before walking to the door, but stopped to look at me once and then he walked out.

I fucked up. I've caught feelings.

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