Part 12

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Readers pov:

It was the next morning and I woke up at 7.30 am to get to the lab. I just put on some jeans and a random t-shirt and went to the elevator. Once I got there I saw Tony already sitting there working on something.

"Hey I didn't think anyone would be here. You're up early." I said as I walked in.

"Nope, not up early, I'm up late. And by that I mean I haven't gone to bed."

"Shouldn't you get some sleep then?"

"I take 20 minute power naps here and there."

"For a genius you don't seem very smart."

"Excuse me?"

I sat down across from him on the work table and picked up a part of a machine.

"I mean your brain doesn't work as well without sleep you know. Like for example, this is built wrong." I said while holding up the part.

"Give me that." He said and grabbed it. "No it isn't it's...fuck it is wrong, damn it."

"Here I'll fix it, you go get some sleep."

"Fine. As long as you don't ruin my lab." He said while walking to the door.

"I'll try my very best."

I sat there working on the part for a few hours until I heard the door open.

"Hey Tony're not tony." Steve said as he walked in but stopped as soon as he saw me.

"Really I'm not? Dang I was so sure I was Tony." I said, giving him a fake shocked expression.

"Hah. Where's tony?" He asked, still with that fucking blank expression.

"Sleeping. Anything I can help with?"

"I don't need your help." He scowled at me.

"Fine, suit yourself."

He walked out and I went back to my work.

What the fuck is up with him, I mean I've been trying to be nice but he's just an asshole. Fine if he's gonna be like that my petty ass is gonna be the same.

The clock hit 2 pm and suddenly Tony was in the lab.

"So did you fix it?" He asked as he walked over.

"Yep, and I took the courtesy of fixing a few other things since I had the time."

"What other things?"

"Like that one." I said as I pointed over to a machine part.

"Wait fixed that?"

"Yes? Is that a problem?"

"I couldn't even fix that was just an idea that I played around with. I wanted to create a type of force field for my suit to stop it from taking unnecessary damage, but I just didn't know how. That wasn't even a prototype, that was just the most basic part I could think of for it."

"And now it's a fully functional force field that can be added to the suit. I made it so it has two modes, one where it completely covers the whole suit and one where you can decide where it goes and the size of it." I said while showing him my notes.

"What the absolute fuck. I'm impressed and coming from me, that means a lot."

We continued talking about ideas and different plans for a while, and before we knew it the clock was 5.

We went down to the kitchen together and sat down still talking about this one idea for a new weapon for the team.

"So it looks like we have a new member for the science bros." Clint said, gesturing over to me.

"This girl is a goddamn genius, where the hell have you been all my life." Tony said.

"Brooklyn." I said chuckling.

We started eating and of course mr. America was ignoring me, but conversations with the others flowed easily. Once the dinner was over Natasha stayed back to clean and I went up to my room.

I realized that I hadn't posted anything on the cam girl website in a few days and figured I should do that. Sure I was getting money from my new job, but what's wrong with earning a little extra from some dumb guys?

Once I had finished filming I decided to head back to the lab and work on some more things.

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