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Readers pov:

"Steve, where the hell is it?" I yelled from downstairs in our house. He ran down dressed but with wet hair.

"How should i know, you bought it."

"But you wrapped it steven." I sighed. I kept on looking around the house until I found it, a nicely wrapped birthday gift. "Got it!"

Once Steve had dried his hair and I had gotten dressed we went into the car and started driving towards Tony's house.

"Can you believe Morgan is already five?" I asked as Steve took my hand in his and kissed my wedding band.

"Time flies."

We got to Tony's house and saw a bunch of cars parked all around. We went inside and were greeted by Morgan running towards us and jumping onto me.

"Aunty Y/N, Uncle steve! Where's my gift?" she asked as I put her down. I chuckled before pulling the gift out of my bag. She gasped and yelled a quick thanks before running back into the house.

"Hey guys!" We heard from behind us and we turned around to see a smiling bucky. He pulled us into a hug and then held us at arms length. "How are you two? I haven't gotten to talk much to you after coming back from the dead." he joked.

"Yeah well you missed a lot." Steve chuckled.

"Yeah I'm mad I missed the wedding, but congrats! Any children in the near future?"

I chuckled awkwardly before speaking, "oh no, no children for us. We're fine with just the two of us."

Steve nodded his head before wrapping his arm around me.

"Well if it isn't the Rogers' and Barnes." Tony said as he walked up to us.

"I see I'm not the only one with a metal arm anymore." Bucky said before pointing at Tony's prosthetic arm.

"Yeah, you should thank me for making that one stark." I said.

"Yeah yeah, thanks, whatever, let's head into the living room and talk to the rest of the guests."

We walked in and I immediately went over to Natasha and hugged her. "There's my best friend!"

"Ah Y/N! Can you fucking believe were both married now?" she said before lifting up her hand showing off her own wedding band.

"Omg I'm so happy for us." I laughed.

Just then Wanda walked over to us, "actually..." she held up her own ring finger. "It's all three of us."

"Holy shit!" Natasha and I both hugged our other best friend.

"Who the hell would have thought this would be us a few years ago. I mean, remember when you hated steve?" Natasha chuckled.


We kept talking for a while and then sang Morgan a birthday song before heading out to the patio. It had gotten dark and Tony had gotten fireworks. I sat down on Steve's lap and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my temple.

"I love you so much." he whispered.

"I love you more." I smiled before leaning back, thinking about my life. Natasha was actually right about the whole enemies to lovers thing. I chuckled at the thought and Steve looked down at me.


"Nothing, I'm just thinkin." I said before looking up at the fireworks.

I guess it really did start with ice cold desire.

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