Part 8*

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Steve's POV:

I opened the email from laylagirl1 and clicked on the link attached. immediately a video of her pussy came onto my screen. I felt a little weird about doing this and definitely not like the gentleman my mom raised me to be, but at the moment that didn't bother me much.

I pulled down my pants and boxers and grabbed my cock in my hand and my phone in the other. I clicked play on the video and started watching while slowly stroking my cock.

"I saw your request and found it tempting, especially when I read you wanting me to call you captain..." I heard from my screen. "Now, you must be in the military? I find that hot so here's your request."

She pulled out a dildo and put it next to her and she then unclipped her panties from her lingerie.

"Hope you enjoy."

She put the dildo at her entrance and started pushing in, and I could feel myself getting harder as I watched it slip into her.

"Oh captain, you feel so good." god she sounded angelic.

She started pulling it out and pushing it in slowly and I stroked myself at the same pace. She kept moaning quietly and I had to hold myself back from cumming too quickly to her noises alone.

"God i love you fucking me."

"Do you enjoy watching me fuck myself while thinking of you huh captain?"

God yes

"This feels so good. I love your request."

I was getting so close and as soon as I heard another one of her moans I felt myself letting go.

I cleaned myself up and looked at the clock. How the hell was it dinner time already? I got out of my room and took the elevator down to the kitchen. When I got there the team was already sitting there eating.

"Ey cap nice of you to show up." Tony said as I sat down.

"Yeah sorry I lost track of time." I mumbled not wanting to reveal what I was actually doing.

"Why do you look so red?" Sam questioned.

"Just you know, working out." I answered blushing even more.

"Bullshit, I've been in the gym the entire time." Bucky then said. "Now what were you really doing?"

"Oh i- i mean i was working out in my room. Just doing some push ups and sit ups and know workout stuff." I said, slightly panicking.

"Yeah so he's obviously lying but let's just eat before cap here turns fully into a tomato." nat then said.

"I mean it's cap, it can't really be anything interesting anyways." Tony said with a smirk.

"Hey! My life is interesting." I protested.

"Well what's interesting about your life then grandpa?" Tony questioned.

"I'm an avenger."

"Yeah that's not a very unique thing in this room." Clint said.

"You know what, let's just shut up and eat." I said quickly.

"Ooh caps maad." Tony said in a sing-songy voice.

"Tony stop acting like a child and eat your damn food." Natasha said fed up.

"God fine, only because you scare me."

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