Part 14

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Readers pov:

I started going through all the information I got from the hydra base while waiting for Steve and Natasha to get back. I quickly found out the location for three other hydra bases.

Once Steve and Natasha came back I headed up to the hangar.

"Mission went well, I found more hydra bases. I just need the pins back." I said as they both handed me the pins.

"Thanks for the assist and the bomb Y/N." Natasha said.

"It's what I'm here for."

A month later I had finally gotten all the information I needed for taking down the next hydra base. Steve was still being a piece of shit, but that's besides the point.

"So I actually need to be there in person for this to work so I'm joining you on this mission." I said as I was briefing the team.

"No, absolutely not." Steve said back.

"Well sorry cap but without me this mission will go to shit."

"You don't know anything about missions, you don't have any training."

"Which is why the whole team is coming. You guys do the fighting part i'll do the tech part."


"Well sucks to suck cap, you don't have a say in this." I said, smiling sarcastically.

We were getting ready for the mission and I was wearing one of natashas black suits.

"Damn i look hot.'' I said as I walked up to her, Bucky and sam.

"Yeah you do." Natasha smirked. "So you ready for your first mission?"

"100%." I smirked back.

We got on the quinjet that Tony, Steve and Clint were already on. It took a few hours but we finally arrived at the base.

We got in fairly easily and me, Bucky and Natasha were making our way to the data room while the others fought off anyone coming near.

I was going through the files transferring everything I needed, but it was taking a while.

"More incoming, hurry up Y/N." tony said through the coms.

"I'm hurrying, don't worry."

Once I was done we were making our way out when I suddenly realized I had forgotten to plant the bomb.

Great job Y/N, first mission and already made a fool outta yourself.

"Guys get out quickly, I have to go back and do something."

"What no, we have to get out NOW." Steve said back.

"I'll be fine, get to the quinjet, I'll be right there."

"No, no way in hell." Tony said.

"We're losing time by arguing, get to the quinjet so I can get this done."

"Come on Y/N knows what she's doing." Natasha said.

Once I finally convinced them and they headed out I made my way back to the data room and started planting the bomb. I heard something behind me and turned around to see a guard standing there pointing a gun at me.

I quickly grabbed my own gun and shot him in the chest but while he went down he managed to pull the trigger, hitting me in my thigh.

I screamed in pain and put pressure on the wound.

God in the movies they always act like getting shot only makes you wince but this hurts like a bitch.

I finished setting up the bomb and pressed the button. Five minutes.

"Y/N where are you?" I heard Steve say in my earpiece.

"Getting out, a little hard since I'm shot but it'll be fine.

Steve's pov:

"WHAT?! What do you mean shot?" I yelled back, but she didn't reply. "Y/N? Hello? Y/N?" still no reply.

I looked up at the others, seeing them all with worried expressions.

Suddenly we heard a boom and saw the base go up in flames, and all I could hear from Y/Ns coms was static. We waited a few minutes expecting her to suddenly show up, but nothing.

She's gone.

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