Part 30

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Steve's pov:

I was an idiot for thinking she actually liked me. Of course it was just sex, but i let myself believe it was something more. I know that I like her, but this might be the closest I'll ever be to being with her, and I'm not going to miss that chance.

It was the next morning and I was heading down to the kitchen for breakfast. I saw Sam, Bucky and Y/N making waffles together.

"Cap, want some food?" Sam asked while holding up a plate of stacked waffles. I smiled at them and let my eyes linger on Y/N for a few seconds before answering,

"Yeah, sure." I grabbed the plate and sat down while they continued to make the food.

After about ten minutes Tony ran into the kitchen dramatically. "Y/N!" he yelled.

"TONY!" she yelled back.

"I have a potential location on magnus. And guess where?" he said cockily.

"Norway or germany?" she questioned.

"Wait, it's not fun when you actually guess it right." he huffed. "Well anyways, he was spotted in Trondheim, Norway, yesterday. Chances are he's still there."

"So we're going to Norway then!" she clapped her hands together.

We had put together a team consisting of me, Y/N, Tony, Bucky, Sam and Natasha. We had put on civilian clothes, but packed our mission suits in the jet we were on just in case. We were gonna try to catch magnus but for that we didn't need to be noticed immediately.

"You think we're gonna see a polar bear?" Sam asked out loud in the jet.

"You dumbass, there's no polar bears in norway, just because it's cold." Bucky sighed.

"Actually there's a group of islands called Svalbard that's a part of Norway and it has polar bears, so there are polar bears in Norway, just not where we're going." Y/N explained.

"Why do you know so much about norway?" I asked.

She looked over at me. "Well first of all, it was one thing I knew. Second, I went to school there for a year as an exchange student, and I have some extended family there."

"Do you speak norwegian?" Natasha asked.

She shrugged. "Well, enough to have a conversation at least."

"Well we are gonna need that to talk to the locals and get some info. So since you and Natasha both speak their language, you're in charge of that." Tony said.

We landed in Trondheim at the airport before grabbing our things and got into the van Tony got for us. I was driving with Tony sitting in the passenger seat, Sam behind me, Natasha behind Tony and Y/N in the middle. Bucky was sitting way in the back because he didn't want to be near Sam at the moment.

"Wait, does that sign say hell?" Sam pointed out the window.

"Yeah it's a small town here named hell. I thought it was pretty funny when I would drive to and from the airport." Y/N chuckled.

"Yeah, Norway is great at naming places." Natasha said. "Should we tell Thor about the place named heimdal?"


We drove for a while before we got to Trondheim and got into a hotel. We got three separate rooms so bucky, sam and i shared one while Y/N and natasha shared another.

"You guys can get a room for yourself when you start paying for stuff." Tony said while walking into his own room. We put our stuff into our rooms but didn't unpack incase we needed to get away fast. We decided to go into town to try and find information that could lead us to magnus.

We went to a cafe he had been spotted in and asked to talk to the owner in the back. I told Y/N what to ask the owner so she could translate.

"Har det vært en mann her i det siste, mørkt hår, brune øyne og ganske høy?" "Has a tall man with dark hair and brown eyes been here lately?" she asked.

They talked back and forth for a bit before we were led to another room. "This is where they keep their security camera footage, we can go through it." Y/N explained. We started going through the information and after a bit we found a clear video of him. 9.34 am today.

"Tusen takk for hjelpen." "Thanks for helping." Y/N said before we walked out and headed the direction we saw him go two hours ago. We kept going to different places we had seen him before walking into a small clothing store and looking through their footage. We saw him throw something in the trash so we looked through it and found a receipt, and lucky for us it had his email written on it.

Readers pov:

That idiot seriously left his email on a receipt? God he's dumber than I thought. We headed back to the hotel and we all got into my room while I got out my laptop to trace the email. I found his IP address and went until I found the location the email was last used in. I got the location's address and quickly wrote it down before we suited up and got ready to head there. It was an old farm on the outskirts of town. Looked sketchy enough. Sam got out redwing and scanned the place.

"I see two heat signatures from inside the barn." he said.

"Lets get that fucker." I started running towards and heard everyone behind me. I got out one of my weapons and blew up the door before walking in.

"Nightshade, how good it is to see you." I heard magnus' sick voice call out.

"Surrender before I kill you." I answered.

"But if you kill me you'll never find out what happened to your precious parents." he chuckled and started walking towards me, making me freeze in my spot.

"What do you mean...?" I finally got out.

"You're a smart girl. You never questioned what happened to them?"

"It was a lab accident...they were both scientists there's nothing else to it." I tried to keep a stern face.

"Two genius scientists made such a big mistake they ended up dead? You really believe that?"

"Shut up!" I yelled, my tough act faltering.

"I mean, if they had stayed alive they would have been a threat to hydra. And who do you think removed threats before you?" he snickered.

"It was a lab accident. I was 12. That's it."

"You know you don't believe that yourself."

"Y/N..." Steve said. "He's tricking you."

"Don't you think it's cruel captain?" Magnus started. "That she believes Mr. Barnes is her friend?"

"What?" i asked

Magnus chuckled again. "I mean he knows what he did. And he still pretends to be your friend. The man who took out your parents."

My blood froze and I turned and saw Bucky's sorry expression. " killed them?" i mumbled.


I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him. "You killed them, Bucky." I stated this time.

"I didn't have a choice Y/N, please. I was under hydra's control." he tried to explain but i couldn't hear anything. I could hear blood pumping in my ears and all I could see was red.

I put my finger on the trigger and stared at him. I saw his face sadden and it looked like he gave up. I kept looking at him as I pulled the trigger. I heard the body hit the floor and turned to look at it.

Magnus was finally dead.

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