Part 4

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Steve's pov:

"Hey steve!"

I turn around and see Sam and Bucky walking towards me.

"We're going to the bar so come on, you're coming with us." Sam said.

"I've been having back to back missions for the last month. I just want to head to my room." I answered.

"Come on punk, just a few drinks." Bucky said.

"Fine. a few."

We walked out of the avengers tower where we all lived and went down the street to the bar.

We sat down at a table in the back and Sam went to get us some beers. Me and Bucky started talking about missions and then Sam came back with the bottles.

"So cap anyone catch your eye here?" Sam asked.

"What?" I was confused. Were they trying to set me up?

"There's a bunch of hot girls here you should buy someone a drink." Bucky then said.

"I came here to have a few drinks after a long mission, not to find a girl."

I didn't listen to their conversation after that, I just kinda zoned out.

"Have you steve?" Sam asked.

I snapped back into the conversation once I heard my name.

"Have I what?" i asked back

"Watched cam girls?" Bucky asked.

"Cam girls? What's that?"

"like girls who stream while they know...touching themself?" Sam said.

My eyes went wide. There's people who do that?

"Yeah and you can request them to do specific things." Bucky then said.

"I- what no I haven't." I answered.

"Man you should, it's a great way to unwind after a mission." Sam said while smirking.

"Can we talk about something else please?" I said while looking away.

"Fine. Did you hear Fury is looking for a new technology expert for S.H.I.E.L.D?" Sam said. "Apparently he's sick of tonys ego and want someone else to work on weapons and new tech for the avengers."

"Really? Has he found anyone yet?" I asked.

"No, he's trying to find someone. I heard he has a few people in mind but i don't know who.'' Sam answered.

"Do you think it's anyone we already know?" Bucky asked.

"Doubt it. Wouldn't he already have hired them then?" Sam said back.

"True. Hopefully it's someone nice though." I said.

"God only you would be looking for someone nice. I hope she's hot." Bucky said.

"And if it's a guy?" Sam asked.

"Then I hope he's hot." Bucky said back.

After a few hours and a lot of beers we started heading back to the tower. We all went into our own rooms and I laid down on my bed.

I started thinking about what they said about the cam girl thing. The more I started thinking about it the harder I got. I pulled out my phone and googled cam girls. The first link that popped up was a website called angels cam girls. I looked at who was currently streaming and I came across one. "Laylagirl1"

A/N- we love bi bucky in this household. Because my dumbass is horrible at imagining bedrooms and house interior here is some visuals for the bedrooms in the tower:

 Because my dumbass is horrible at imagining bedrooms and house interior here is some visuals for the bedrooms in the tower:

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