Part 15

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Steve's pov:

She's gone.

I saw natashas eyes welling up with tears as she stared at the burning building.

"Help!" we heard in the distance. I looked over and saw Y/N falling to the ground.

"Y/N!" I yelled and started running towards her, the team behind me. Once I reached her I got down on my knees and checked her pulse. She's alive.

I picked her up and carried her to the jet. She was still unconscious once I laid her down on the floor.

Natasha pulled out a knife and cut up the suit around Y/N thigh so we could see the wound. She was bleeding a lot so I grabbed one of the shirts we keep as spare clothes in the jet, and wrapped it around her thigh to stop the bleeding.

We got back to the tower and Y/N was immediately taken to the med bay.

"I'll sit here and wait. you guys go clean up." I said.

"No i'll wait, I'm her best friend here, if she wakes up she'll need me here." Natasha said back.

I decided to not argue and went to my own room and showered and changed. I went into natashas room and got a hoodie and sweatpants and went back up to the med bay where she was sitting in a chair outside the surgery room.

"Brought you some clean clothes. go to the bathroom over there and I'll sit here for you." I said and handed her the clothes.

"Thanks steve." She went into the bathroom. She came out after a few minutes and sat down next to me.

"I told you all it was a bad idea for her to come. Then I told you guys it was a bad idea for her to go back into the base."

"She had her reasons. She would only do that if it was something important."

"It was stupid."

"We all make stupid choices in this job."

We sat there for 3 hours until a doctor came out.

"Miss Y/L/N is going to be fine. We got the bullet out and there was no damage to the muscle or nerves. She's in the recovery room now and should wake up once the anesthesia wears off." he said.

"Thank you." Natasha said as she got up and headed to the door to the recovery room. We walk in and see Y/N laying there with tubes going into her arms.

After about 30 minutes Y/N starts to stir and opens her eyes.

"Y/N! You're awake, how are you feeling?" Natasha askes.

"Like fucking shit, not gonna lie." Y/N says with a chuckle.

"That was stupid and reckless." I said, looking at her angrily.

"Like crashing a plane into the ocean?" she says back, raising an eyebrow.

"I was saving people."

"So was i. You guys and everyone who would have been affected by hydras plans."

"Why couldn't you just follow simple orders huh? Get in, get the info, plant the bomb and get out." I said, raising my voice.

"Steve-" Natasha started.

"No, Y/N is clearly to dumb to know how to listen. You know this is why you're not good enough to be an actual member of the team!" I yelled.

Shit. I didn't mean that.

"Get out." Y/N said sternly.



I looked at her with an apologetic expression and walked out of the room. I really fucked up this time. I didn't mean it, I was just angry at her for getting herself hurt.

I went down to the gym and started punching a bag, getting out my anger. After a few minutes Natasha entered.

"You're a jerk."

"I know." I said turning around.

"She was trying to help us. She put herself in danger for us and the people hydra were going to hurt."

"I know and that's the problem. She put herself in danger."

"You like her don't you?"


"You're awful at showing it. You've only been cold and mean to her."

"I can't have feelings for her nat. I have to hate her."

"You do realize you're the idiot here."

"I'm aware."

But what they weren't aware of was the phone call going on with Y/N... 

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