Part 19

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Readers pov:

That's the first time I've killed someone. How am I so calm? I did that as if it was nothing. Is this who I am now?

I got back to my apartment, and once again Magnus was sitting at my couch.

"How did it go?" he asked.

"I got it done. No one saw me, and they are all dead." I answered.

"Very good." he got up and walked towards me. "I think you're gonna be one of the best members in this organization."

"Thank you. So my combat training starts tomorrow right?"

"That's correct. I'll be seeing you then." he walked out.

The next day I made my way to the building I was gonna train in. I walked in and saw a fairly tall man with blond hair.

"I'm Isaac, I'll be the one to train you."

The first day went pretty well, it was hard but I did well enough for it being my first time fighting. I got home and ate dinner and basically did nothing for the rest of the day.

Over the next month I trained every day and had gotten pretty good. I already knew how to use guns so I didn't have to do much work with that, but one thing I apparently had a talent in was knife combat, so that became my weapon of choice.

I hadn't had any missions the last month so when Magnus came to my house one morning I was kind of excited. He briefed me on the mission. I was going to head to a hydra base and get all the information from there and then wipe everything of their computers before the avengers arrived.

I changed into my mission outfit, which consisted of black tight pants, a black t-shirt with a dark green/black bulletproof vest, a hood, winter soldier style black mask and black boots. I looked pretty badass if I do say so myself.

Getting there was easy and so was copying and then erasing all the information, but the avengers decided to show up early. I tried to make my way through the base but once I rounded the corner I was met by the falcon and black widow.

"Hi there." I said and waved.

"Who the hell are you?" Natasha asked.

"Oh i'm nobody, i'm just passing through." I said. "If you'll excuse me."

Natasha lunged at me and threw a punch but I crouched and dodged the hit.

"Hey i'm just an innocent bystander, no need to go all karate kid on me." I said.

"You don't look so innocent." Sam said and then tried to kick me.

"Aw you're hurting my feelings." I said sarcastically. Soon enough a full on fight broke out. "Two against one? That's not very fair now is it?"

Natasha tried to kick me but i easily stopped it by placing my arm in front of me. Then Sam threw another punch which I easily dodged and kicked him in the stomach causing him to grunt and stumble back. We kept going for a few minutes with me dodging their attacks and barely fighting back.

"Ok, I'm bored." I said and pulled out a machine and pushed the button. White smoke started coming out of it and soon enough both the avengers were lying on the floor unconscious. Luckily my mask doubled as a gas mask.

I stepped over them and quickly made my way out of the base safely. I went to the soul takers secret building and went to magnus' office.

"There's my favorite agent. How'd it go?" he asked, smiling once I entered the room.

I put the usb with the information on his desk. "Got everything here, and i've erased everything on their computers, but i ran into a slight problem." I told him.

"And what was that?"

"Black widow and the falcon caught me. They didn't see my face and the mask distorted my voice and I was able to fight them off pretty easily." I explained.

"Well as long as they didn't recognize you it's fine. Good job."

"Thank you."

Steve's pov:

Natasha and Sam were not answering us, so we went around the hydra base looking for them. We found them unconscious so we shaked them to wake them up.

"What happened?" Sam asked groggily.

"I don't know, we found you both lying here." I answered.

"It was a girl wearing a mask. She fought us, she must have knocked us out somehow." Natasha explained.

"Did you hear her voice? Maybe we can do voice recognition and find her." Tony said.

"Her voice was distorted, like she was using a voice changer." Sam said.

"Anything you recognized about her?" I asked.

"No, nothing."

We got back to the tower and started going over the mission.

"One girl who was able to take down two avengers. She must be good." Clint stated.

"I'm willing to bet money that it's a soul taker. She didn't look like hydra." Sam said.

"I'm guessing she's the one who erased all the information from the hydra base too." I said.

"Probably. We have to find out more about her." 

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