Welcome to the Playground Part 1

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Heavy smoke fills the air. It's so thick you can cut threw it. Your eyes are shut tight all you can hear is the the dirt crunching under your feet and powder softly singing in your ears.

~Dear Friend Across The River~
~My Hands Are Cold and Bare~
~Dear Friend Across The River~
~I'll Take What You Can Spare~

You the hear and explosion. You flinch but keep going holding on to Powder.

~I Ask Of You A Penny~
~My fortune it will be~
~I ask you without envy~
~We raise no mighty towers~
~Our homes are built of stone~
~So come across the river~
~And Find....~

You hear powder suddenly stop singing. You stop to open your eyes nothing but bloodshed along with broken buildings fills your view. A man that you don't recognize stops an looks your way. Your big sister Vi pushes you behind her along with powder asking silently where is your parents. The man turns his head point directly to your dead mother and father. You go to grabs Powders hand as she grabs on Vi's leg. Vi starts to cry. Powder holds on to Vi's leg tighter while holding you back from walking towards your dead parents. The man looks at his metal gauntlets and slides them off. The picks you three up. He then walks off the bridge.

[Enemy From Imagine Dragons]

~I wake up to the sounds~
~of silence that allows~
~for my mind to run around~
~with my ear up to the ground~

~I'm searching to behold~
~The Stories that are told~
~When my back is to the world~
~That was smiling when I turned~

~Tell you you're greatest~
~But once you turn they hate us~

~Oh-oh the misery~
~Everybody wants to be my enemy~
~Oh spare the sympathy~
~Everybody wants to be~
~My enemy-y-y-y~
~Look Out For Yourself!~

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