Don't Mess with the Baby Part 2

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[Thank You For the 50k! I really appreciate it! I'm glad ya'll are enjoying the story so far, ready for the 10 long chapters? So am I! The next chapter will start that! Also guys I'm revising the first 10 chapters today! So look out for that!]

Smoke filled the room. Breathing can be heard from all angles. The smell of blood is lingering in the air. Tension. Tension is all anyone can feel. Vi has requiped her gauntlets. You could hear them sing as steam comes out. You still in chain hiding behind you sister while Caitlyn is shielding you. Caitlyn gives Vi a look 'go kick his butt'. Vi the rushes him. Fist first heading towards his face, she landed a solid hit. He didn't expect her to be that fast. "Like that.." She taunted. "Just a little something my friend wiped up for me just for you!"
She started to throw punches he couldn't move quick enough. He's currently taking a beatening. "Vi don't beat him up so bad that he dies I haven't had my fun yet~" Vi looks up. Her sister Jinx had justed arrived. The man quick regained his footing. "Oh no you don't~" Jinx said grinding her teeth. Vi then spoke. "Your dead either way. Before you go though I just want to know who are you and what is your name? Why are you doing this to children? What possessed you to do such a thing?"

"I'll never-"

Then Jinx points a gun at his throat. "You have 5 secs to answer my sister and truthful that way you get to live. Your so glad I respect my sister's decision to keep you alive because if it were me you.... would.... be.... tortured... to... death... now spill it!"

"My name is.... Doctor Armstrong and the reason for me doing all this is.... because... I've been hired to do so by an organization. They wanted me to test it on children. Little brats- I mean bundles of joy...."

"Witch organization who are you referring to?"

"Well you know the leader very well~"

"wHo?" Jinx said dangerously spinning her weapon.

"Silco my dear. Didn't you know? Silco has permitted testing on child. Even Singed has tested on children."

"Silco? Permitted to test.... on innocent children... this is what your tell me?"


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