Welcome to the Playground Part 3

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-Timeskip[To the last drop down stairs]-

"Your back! Where did you run off to?" You ask running up to give your sisters a great big hug.

"We took a trip down town to get a couple of things....." Powder said. Technically Powder nor Vi had explained anything to you about what a 'job' is because they determined that you were to young to know or participate. Plus who would want their baby sister telling them they got a new place to hit up? You were only 5 it's only fair that you grow up a little more say 10 like Powder.

"Did you get anything for me?" You asked. Powder bit her lip. "We'll you see we dropped the items off they we're for... someone else...."

Vi chimed in "We'll get you something next time bud."

You sighed "ok". You reach your arms up looking at Powder to pick you up. Powder scooped you up in her arms and when up stairs to grab you and her a drink because you both needed it. You where a very light child for your age. Your family worried about you because of how thin you were. You were also a very picky eater your stomach couldn't handle just anything.

Walking over to the bar Powder pour a glass of orange juice for the both of you.
As you sip your orange juice away happily. Powder twirls her straw. You can sense she's upset. While trying to come up with a plan to make your sister feel better. Powder is called down by Vi. Powder carries you back down and sets you on the bed. She puts earmuffs on you ears so your unable to hear the discussion that's about to take place.

[A couple mins later]

While sitting do on the bed you catch a glimpse of a blue flash in Powder's pouch, it intrigued you. You decide to walk over there a touch it. Though Powder picked you up again as soon as you got there giving you no opportunity to reach the contents of her pouch. Unsatisfied you squirm trying to get out of her grasp. Vi the grabs you from Powder placing you back on the bed.

Vander then walks in. Silence fills the room. "Everyone all right?" Vander ask.
Mylo is the first to speak as always. "Never better"

"Go, I don't suppose you can explain why it is that I'm hearing about an explosion and a foot chase topside? Four children fleeing the scene..... What the hell we're you thinking?"

"That we can handle a real job." Vi utters.

"A real job?" Vander says

"We got our own tip, planned a route, nobody even saw."

"You blew up a building...."

"That wasn't...."

"Did you even stop to think about what could have happened to you? Eh? To them? Where did you even get this tip?"

Powder looked away "We just heard it at Benzo's shop."


"Little man"

"I took us there, if you wanna be mad, be mad at me. But you're the one who always says we have to earn our place in this world."

"I also told you time and time again, the Northside's off-limits. We stay out of Piltover's business."

"Why? They've got plenty, while we're down here scraping together coins. When did you get so comfortable living in someone else's shadow?"

"Everyone out"

Powder grabs your stuff animal along with you and starts to walk up stairs. Still completely oblivious to the situation and the mood of the room you decide to ask Powder again for her pouch. And by asking I mean grabbing. You were still interested in the shiny blue items that where in her pouch.

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