Happy Progress Day Part 2

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[Sirius : I want to first off say thank you for the 5k! I loved creating this story. I really do hope you guy are enjoying the story so far! I plan on rewriting, and fixing a couple mistakes in previous chapters maybe add a little more detail. Do not worry about updates on the story they will never slow. 😏]

As you traveled the city you could see many tents put up for 'progress day'. You walked around had to strip your natural gear to fit in. As you walked the streets you we're amazed and disgusted. You hated how they can smile and laugh and enjoy life to the fullest while you had to work for scraps everyday. But you we're amazed thought of the city's tech. As you walk through the crowds a couple of people gave you strange looks. Maybe because you were walking by yourself. It seemed every child in this city had an adult to tag along with. You felt some what alone and jealous. 'Take away my family why don't ya but then you rub in my face your's.' Maybe it wasn't just that but the runes that scattered across your arms. Where those runes come from well after the little incident a year ago and your eyes turned from normal blue to icy blue. Runes started to show all over your body. 'They must thing I'm a freak...' You wanted to tear up but no you had a job to.

[Back underground in Zaun]

A women walked pass the bar upstairs.
She starts to talk to a man. That man is Silco. "She fired on us."

"There are always mishaps in battle. The firelights were her target and most are dead."

"It wasn't a mishap, she froze up and lost her shit. I could've handled those brats. She's a problem and we all know it."

"We? Who's we? I expect better from you than excuses. It was your job to make sure things went smoothly. You failed. Don't disappoint me again."

At that the lady left.

"The world's growing smaller every day, thanks to the hexgates. And now, we're cut off. The topsiders are leaving us further and futher behind. What happened?"

"She already told you."

"I'm asking you."

Just then Jinx hops down from the roof. "One of those firelight wackos was a girl. With pink hair."

"Hmm." He gives Jinx's the needle for his eye. "Your sisters are gone. You know that as well as I do."

"I know. I know. Sisters right? You can't live with 'em, can't stuff 'em back in the old baby maker"

"Today's screw up will set us back weeks." Jinx then leans on Silco. "I'm sorry"

"I need to know that I can rely on you. I'm doing this for us, Jinx. All of us. The sons and daughters of Zaun deserve more than their runoff."

"It won't happen again."

"I know."

"Sevika will clean up today's mess."

"Sevika? That ogre couldn't clean q dust bunny with a blowtorch."

"She'll suffice. You should focus on your gadgetry."


"Take some time"

"I-i don't need time."

"Take it anyhow."

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