Unwanted Attention Part 1

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[P1 : so....
Sirius : if you thought this was the ending your mistaken.]

After the of you pull away from the hug. Still confused you ask a question. "Uh Hi.. Leo *cough* uh what these people doing here..."

"There here for you." Your eyes widen.

"Um nice to meet you I'm N/n...." you said extending your hand to the older girl. Vi looked hurt for a quick second the shook your hand. "The names Vi, this here is Jinx and Caitlyn."

"Nice to meet you so what you need help with?"

"Well actually nothing at all your friend here invited us in and we saw..... a couple of portraits on your walls. You drew them?"

"Yes i did." You said with a smile.

"Can I ask you a question why do the 2 girls in the picture have no face?"

Your mood shift a little then went back to normal. Everyone noticed. "It's because...  I can't remember thier faces...."

"I see who..... who were you trying to draw...."

"Well... uh... it's.... my sisters... I don't really remember thier faces or names."

"Do you....  remember anything at all?" Jinx asked.

"Only their hair and the way they dressed also my big sister gave me this.." You pointed at the pendant.

"I see..." Jinx said now leaning against the wall.

"I've actually been searching for years and got a lot of dead ends."

"There all not dead ends." Jinx said looking at you in your eyes.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"You know if you hadn't drawn that picture on the wall we would have never found you..... Y/n..."

Your eyes widen 'did she say what I think she just said....'

"We miss you Y/n..." Jinx and Vi said at the same time. With that you collapsed on you knees. Your sisters smiled at you. You started to cry.

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