⚠️Tracking Troubles Part 1⚠️

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Readers be advised. This Chapter and some of the following will contain graphical content. Heavy violence, gore, abuse and ect....
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ [!Thank You!] ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

[With you]

It was dark and cold. You shivered. Your in a cold dark cell. Chains are around you wrist and ankles.

"Y/n~ baby girl how are you feeling~"

You shiver at his touch. You've been here for only 3 hours and you've already gotten some 'lessons'.

Lesson one is you can't pull away from him. If you do. He'll force dog food down your throat and beat you with a wip. Then after the humiliation. He'll pet you telling you it's ok. If you don't purr he'll take your clothes off 'not all of them just your shirt and pants' and take pictures of you while he beats you with a wip. Tell you 'Bad puppy. Should have listen to the big dog.'

What did he do with those pictures you thought. A couple of mins ago you decided to take a look and what you found out was repulsive. All of the kids that were dead was stored like trophies he showed you to them saying. "Look at my beautiful daughter. You can't have her~ Too bad she's mine!" He said over and over again. You rushed back into the room. 'This man is more insane then I can ever imagine...'

Back to the present. He started to pet you. "Don't worry as long as you listen to what I say you'll be save with me~"

'That's straight bull!' You thought. You closed your eyes and purred. 'Please save me.... don't forget about me...' A tear rolls down your cheek.

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