When these walls come tumbling down Part 2

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You heavily sigh. It been a rough couple of weeks. You have been looking and searching and still ended up with nothing. Your back in the arcade walking up to one of machines. You pause and then proceeded to practice. After a while you looked at the score board a new score was list below Vi. 'POW' It read. 'Who's Pow?' You thought. Then sudden flashbacks flow in your mind all at once.


"Powder, Y/N come get something to eat!" Vi calls from the living room. Powder takes your hand putting you on her feet as she tries to teach you how to walk to the kitchen yourself.

[Flashback ended]

You struggle to say "Powder?" Then you blackout.

[With Vi]

Caitlyn tries to heals Vi's wounds. "I know you have your reservations about me but this will only work if we can trust each other."

"It doesn't work. It never has. You topsiders always find a way to screw us."

"I suppose topside is to blame for all your misfortunes."

"No. Not all of them."

"We aren't monsters you know. We're people just like you."

"You don't know anything about me. I shouldn't have left you."

"It's all right. Despite it all. I can tell.... you have a good heart."

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