Happy Progress Day! Part 1

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Sirius : Finally!
P1 : What?
Sirius : This is it! The reader is finally 10!
P1 : So? What happen's when their-
Sirius : What age was the reader when everyone left?
P1 : 5
Sirius : How old are they now?
P1 : 10 so?
Sirius : Sir.... You know what just enjoy...
P1 : Wait tell me I-
Sirius : Q the music...
~I wake up to the sounds~
~Of the silence that allows~
~For my mind to run around~
~With my ear up to the ground~

~I'm searching to behold~
~The stories that are told~
~When my back is to the world~
~That was smiling when I turned~

~Tell you you're the greatest~
~But once you turn they hate us~

~Oh the misery~
~Everybody wants to be my enemy~
~Spare the sympathy~
~Everybody wants to be~
~My enemy-y-y-y-y~
~Look out for yourself~

Today was progress day. The day were new inventions are show cased in Piltover. Today was the day you decided that you were ready. To go up to the surface for the first time. You've had no progress find your sisters at all down here in Zaun maybe just maybe you'll find something up top. You had the skills.

[In the docks]

A airship slowly pulled into the docks.
"Uh, shipping manifest?" The officer asked. A bulk of cash was slapped in front of him. "From your friend. Downtown." The officer throws the bag of money a little understand the situation and takes it. Just then the firelights show up and take everyone down. The leader speaks "There expanding burn it all check down below." Two men go down below on trips over a wire. "No.. no.. no.. NO!" He bangs on the door. "Open the door!"
They take a defensive stance "Oh no she's here." They creep around slowly. Something moves in the shadows. They start to breathe heavy. A swing starts to swing. They could see the words 'boom'.  Just then someone slides down. Bombs placed all over there chest. An explosion can be heard below. The hatch door opens up. Then someone walks out. A girl with 2 blue braids walks out. She then looks around. She blows her hair out the way. "Hi." She says as she grabs to bombs in her mouth and throws them at the firelights. She has this look on her face. She grabs her gun with a flick she shoots at a firelight and then crushes her head. Then she fights with another girl. Her mask comes off she looks at her. 'Vi?' She then stands there seemly in a dazed. After a short while she shoots the girl in the back. Then a women comes out "you were suppose to protect the cargo jinx!" Jinx looks back at her and smirks a little.

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