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"Once a bitch, always a bitch"


"Let's walk back home together!" Jennie excitedly skipped to the school exit.

"Uh oh.. I forgot that Ms. Lin had asked me to keep the attendance register in her room..." I gripped on my hair.

"You forgetful girl, we'll be waiting here, go quick!" Jungkook took my bag before I quickly rushed to the classroom to get the register.

As I was walking out of Ms. Lin's room, I unwantedly overheard the conversation of few teachers.

"Did you see those rich, creepy men who were outside the school from morning? I have never seen them before." One spoke.

"Yeah, they looked like they were stalking everyone!! And they looked so scary, I felt chills down my spine!!" another exclaimed.

"Creeps? Probably some con artists.." I let it slide and continued my business.


"JUNGKOOK!! Y/N!! WAKE UP!!!!" I heard mom call us for the third time really loud from downstairs.

"Aehhhh..." I whined and finally got my ass off the bed.

"Princess is finally off her bed?" She sarcastically clapped.

"Yeah, now bring breakfast for the princess.." I elegantly sat down on the chair.

"YOU BRAT!!!" She made me jump off the chair and almost fall.


My face lit up now.

There is nothing better than waking up your siblings.

I tip toed upstairs to his room.

"Jungkook~" I called out in the softest tone trying not to wake him up.

"Hehe.." I glanced at the filled water bottle on the nightstand.

"HOLY FUCKING--" He sat up while trying to understand what just happened. 

"Good morning JungCOCK~" I wiggled the bottle in front of his face, he glared at me for a second before pushing off his duet and chasing me all the way down.

"Mom!!" I hid behind her.

"What's wrong now?" She facepalmed herself.

"She threw water on me!" Jungkook defensed himself.

"Yea, I am the one who told her do that if you don't wake up." Mom put her hands on her waist and Jungkook remained silent. I stuck my tongue out to tease him and he grits his teeth. 

During breakfast, I was near mom because he was death staring me the whole time.

"I'm done!" I pushed out my chair off the dining table and ran into my room before Jungkook could come in.

"YAH!" He tried opening the door but I fortunately locked the door.

"MOM!" I heard his footsteps immediately fade away followed by his room door bang close as soon as I yelled.

"That was fun to watch!" Mighty came out my necklace.

"You can see through even from inside a jewel?" I was amazed again and she nodded before going back in.

"Cool, but now I have to get ready and run!" I picked out a random outfit and rushed down without looking at his room.

"Y/N!" I heard him shout from his room but by that time, I'd already slipped in my shoes and ran off.

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