Taxi Ride

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We were half on the way home and I had to say this was pretty fun compared to the car drive we have everyday. All of us were chit chatting and people were even surprised to see Irene casually walking down the streets without any guards. 

I stopped and my face lit up when I came across the café that has my favourite dessert.

"Hey guys listen! I wanted to try something at the café  so you can join me if you don't mind or you can continue and I'll come back home real quick!" I tried to control my excitement and my foodie ass.

"Sure thing! We'll be waiting at home instead, it was kinda tiring today." Lisa answered and they went on. I rushed inside and ordered the dessert.

"Here's your order mam. Enjoy." The waitress put down the plate on my table and left after uttering some kind words.

"Thank you." I smiled at her as she bowed and left. It was a peaceful time enjoying my snack while hearing to some music. After finishing, I quickly paid the bill as I realized I got too carried away and its been quite late.

"Let's hope Taehyung and Jungkook aren't back home or I'm gonna have a two hour lecture.." I whispered under my breathe and proceeded walking with swift speedy steps. 

It was fine until that feeling came back... The same feeling I felt at school... The feeling of being followed. 

It gave me severe goosebumps and shivers down my spine because this time no car or any person was found. I cursed at myself for unknowingly coming to this isolated street and now I have to be completely cautious. Nothing came up on my mind and I was rapidly thinking of a way to safely get rid of his trail. 

Going back home or to a friend's place is the worst idea since he can just come their anytime after knowing the location. I walked on the street having no idea where to go. There was no police station nearby by either. I tried calling the police too but with my broke fortune, there was no signal.

Just then I received a mind link from Irene. Oh fuck how did I forget I can do that.

"Hey Y/n we are super worried about you?! Your okay right?" Her voice held worriedness.

"..I'm being followed by a stranger Irene.. Are the boys back?" I answered with another question.

"No they aren't but followed?? Since when??" She asked.

"Since I left the café.. Its been a while.." I replied while making sure the follower isn't too close.

"Omg Y/n.. I-I'm so sorry.. Its just my fault.." She gasped and stuttered.

"No!! The blame goes to my carelessness!! Right now I don't want anyone of you to get in trouble along with me because I have no idea what's this guy's intention and I definitely won't allow anyone of you to come if he is sent by demons." I said.

"No you can't take this alone to yourself!!" She said with a defending tone.

"Its an order Aqua.. I'll promise to be back. Just don't tell Jungkook or Taehyung. After I'm back pretend nothing of this happened.." I replied back with a commanding tone.

"B-but Blossom.." I could hear her uneven breathing and shaky voice which means she was on the urge to cry.

"Stay strong and trust me. Again no one will dare to find me and get in trouble." I said for the final time and cut off the mind link. I decided not to mind link anyone again until I escape.

Taking out my phone's front camera and trying to act normal by pretending to fix my hair, I managed to look at the person following me who was at a distance and he was exactly how the junior girl described. My heart skipped a beat as the phone switched off with a red battery sign. FUCK MY LIFE WHY IS ALL THE BAD COMING AT ONCE?!?! 

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