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My eyes opened up along with Taehyung when we heard the front door opening by a bunch of keys.

"Y/n?" I felt at ease when I heard aunt's voice. Her footsteps approached upstairs and she smiled warmly at the scene infront of her.

"I'm sorry if Minjun got on your nerves cause he's very clingy." She gave an apologetic smile.

"Haha well it was a very pleasant time with him and yea, his clinginess is his charm!" I faked a smile. Both me and Tae knew how his so called charm affected.

"That's good to hear since actually Minjun is my own son." Aunt left us shook.

"Eomma..? Noona!" Little Minjun woke up by all the talking chatting.

"Yes dear?" I asked him in a polite tone and his pout grew bigger when he noticed Taehyung hugging me from behind.

"NOONA LOOK AT HYUNG!! HE IS STEALING YOU FROM ME AGA-" Aunt pulled him before he could finish.

"HYUNJIN BEHAVE!! Hyung is older to you right!!?? You should be respectful and a matter of fact, Y/n noona is already taken by Taehyung!" His mom scolded the little kid.

"NOO!!" He burst out crying again.

"Aww baby no its fine, I'm sorry!!" I lifted Minjun and walked around while swaying him side to side.

"Only Y/nie noona is good, I don't like mom!!" He hugged me tightly.

"But baby, without your mom you wouldn't have met me you know?" I caressed his hair.

"Really?" He looked at me in amusement.

"Yea why would I lie? Without your eomma how would you be born and without being born you cant meet me can you?" I raised an eyebrow and he slowly nodded after realizing.

"Sorry eomma!" He went and hugged his mom.

"Omo son sorry that I scolded you too." His mom lovingly looked at him.

"Finally he understands.." Taehyung smiled while his arms still firm around my waist.

"He's a good boy after all." I chuckled before getting up.

"Its late evening, we should get going Aunt." I glanced at the clock.

"Yea and it was a fun time with the little ones. We'll visit again soon!" Taehyung bowed down.

"Come soon noona and hyung!!" Minjun waved bye to us and we smiled at him before nodding and leaving.

*Next Day*

Today was a busy Monday. After hours of school we directly transformed and went to training at Master's place.

"I feel so proud to see the Elemental Team together.. how much I waited for this moment..!" Master gladly smiled.

"We're glad to meet each other too!" I bowed down at him for respect.

"Kids.. I see all of you fitting perfectly in your elements and doing your job well too.. So I think its finally time for you to reveal your identities.." My heart skipped a beat when these words came out from him. Everyone looked equally shocked.

"What.. MASTER YOUR SERIOUS NOW RIGHT?!" I spoke in nervousness.

"Yea of course I am, Now shall we move onto it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Can we just transform back right now?!" Stardia asked excitedly.

"Close your eyes to transform back and then simply open it." He calmly spoke. 

"Master I... don't think I'm ready.. I don't think I'm good enough right now.. I-I'll mess it up for everyone after revealing myself.. " I sighed and looked down in guilt.

"What are you saying Blossom? Are you doubting yourself?" Stardia held on my shoulders. No one expected that.

"No I'm just being honest, I'm not as good as you guys and I still lack so I think you guys should go  ahead without me.." I was backing off and it was upsetting everyone.

"What do you mean?! Your better than all of us and we are the one who lack instead!" Aqua stopped me but I just shook my head.

"Master help us convince Blossom!!" Lenox looked at master who still was calm.

"Child.. if she wants that, we'll go with it. We can't force her especially if she thinks she is incapable of it." Everyone's hopes dropped at his words.

"Thank you.. I'll be waiting outside until your done.." I sadly spoke and left.

**Third Person POV**

"MASTER YOUR NOT SERIOUS RIGHT?!" Xander asked in utter shock.

"I am.." His expressions were unreadable.

"Then what do we do now?!" Aura asked, still disappointed.

"Continue to do what we were about to.. but without your queen.." Everyone's heart clenched at the last words.

All of them formed a circle and closed their eyes to transform back on Master's command. 

"Good, now all of you can open your eyes." He ordered as everyone got back into their original self but still had their eyes closed. They hesitated to look but ended up opening together in a second.

No one spoke a word. Everyone speechless to find their own friend circle as the elemental team.

"Master.. what is.." Taehyung finally spoke.

"I did this because all of you are fated to this. You were fated to meet, become friends, become a part of  the elemental team and are fated to fight with the whole demon clan." Everyone had their eyes on master as he said.

"But wait does this mean.. Blossom is--!!" All of their eyes widen when they realize whose left from the friend circle.

"Yes, its none other than Y/n." The shocks they were going through today was more than to exaggerate about.

 "But what do we do now? we have to make her believe that she is worth this!" Irene asked.

"Her subconscious is going to be confident after finding out it was all of you so far but to fill up with her conscious side, we need to make her believe that she by herself can defeat the entire elemental team. So you kids ready?" A smile crept onto everyone's face as they knew what exactly master was trying to say.

"Of course! Anything to bring back our captain!" Jimin cheered.

"Okay then everyone go and get ready. The room's lights will be turned off so you don't need to worry about your identity after all its gonna be revealed soon to her." Master said lastly before all of us took our swords and went to the corner to hide. 

Master went out and told Blossom to transform into Y/n saying that the others left so she just didn't think much about that and did as he said. 

"Go in first child" Master gestured her to go in the room and as soon as she stepped in, he banged the door close before locking it.

"Master?!" I banged on the closed door. Suddenly dim blue lights turned on and I looked around cautiously when a few silhouette's approached me with swords.

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