Comparing Realities

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"Bro where are you going?" Tae joked while laughing at Jimin stomping out after grabbing his car keys.

"To bring her back!! How dare she leave without telling me?!" Jimin grumpily answered and left.

We all cracked up at his jealous ass.


The Next Day, later after school, Mighty had told me that Master is calling all the elemental holders to start their training.

"Annyeong Master!" I entered the secret room's hallways.

"Annyeong Blossom, good to see you again." He flashed his warm smile.

"Me too! Did the others arrive?" I asked him on our way to enter the training room.

"Yeah, they are waiting for you." He opened the door and all the others waved at me excitedly.

"Hey guys! How's it goin?" I started a small random conversation with them.

"Listen up kids!! We've to start training, you can hang out later!" Master transformed in his element too and  we got ready in our placements.

"I hope Blossom and Blaze, you remember about your new powers I thought in the previous session?" He raised his eyebrows at us.

"Yea of course!" Both of us nodded.

"Good, I hope you both lead an example right now of the sword fight." He folded his arms and stood aside.

"Sure!" We both faced each other with a respectful bow and pulled out our swords, our eyes turning sharp and serious.

"START!" Master commanded and both of us clashed our swords against each other and both of us removed out our shields at the same time while attacking with the laser at the same timings causing both of us to stumble back.

"Woaa-- these both are something.." Stardia and the others were watching in awe.

"STOP!" Master commanded and both of us immediately stood away from eachother, putting back the weapons inside.

"... Its really good that you understand your fight partner's next attack but at the same time you both can ,in a very rare case, recognize each other's next movement which is a advantage too though if you understand me.." Master was kinda shocked too.

"Master!! Can I have a try too please!!" Aqua's eye lit up.

"Of course, Blaze, you try against her." Master carefully chose one of us against Aqua.

"Fire against water? This is interesting.." Xander leaned back.

"START!" Master ordered as both of them removed out their swords and attacked each other but before the swords could touch, a transparent barrier in the air caused them to throw themselves back in force.

"W-what was that..?" All of us looked with a surprise.

"It can't be..." Master came in between them with his eyebrows furrowed, he looked at both of them with his eyes wide.

"What's wrong...?" Blaze asked.

"I-uhm..You kids continue practicing in pairs.. I'll come back in a while.." He was still shook and slowly walked out of the training room while trying to process everything leaving all of us in serious confusion.


All of us took a break after a good while of long hard-work on training.

"Master, everything is good right?" I was the first one to rush to him as he entered the training room with a confused frown still plastered on his face.

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