Duties before emotions

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I followed him secretly to father who was in an open bloody room, surrounded by creepy demonic symbols and pictures. I had never seen that room before in the palace. I hid behind a thick pillar and peeked inside to eavesdrop.

"WHY??" Father turned back harshly. He looked like he had lost. A fight. A war.

"Majesty... our worst fear came true.. His highness couldn't turn into a demon because.." Mr.Ahn was hesitant. He wouldn't dare to talk anymore. Because of what? Why does he always leave a cliffhanger. Father chuckled sarcastically,

"Isn't that your job? You have been in the cult for 250 years Mr.Ahn, haven't you? Aren't YOU supposed to do whatever shit it takes to make him a FULL FUCKING DEMON??" 

"But your Majesty, what you demand is greatly surreal-"

"MR.AHN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT HE POSESSES ROYAL BLOOD?? WE CAN'T LOSE HIM, HE IS OUR ONLY KEY TO VICTORY!!" He growled. Royal blood?.. As in the royal demon's blood line?

Mr.Ahn throws himself on his knees and bows down on father's feet,

"Your Majesty, I do not dare hide anything from you Lord. There is a way to turn his highness into a full demon.." Father's eyes brighten,

"Tell me, TELL ME!" He looked like a hungry wild animal, desperate.

"Adorcism." he faintly whispered, and a tear spiked down his cheek. I did not know what to do and how to react. This did not feel right but I couldn't move, I just couldn't.

"Do it." Father spoke coldly. His words were demanding yet calm. The old man cried,


"HE IS NOT--" Before father could finish, a voice called me out from behind.

"Your highness? Shouldn't you be in bed?" I heard a female servant's voice behind me. Bed? Oh thank you for telling me mother.

"Taehyung? Since when were you standing there??" Father anxiously looked at me. and yes I was caught :)

"I-I just arrived father.." Of course I had to lie. He sighed with a small nod.

"Escort the prince to his room! Taehyung, I demand you to stay in for the rest of the night. No more talks." He orders and leaves the room. I did not try stopping him either. I left too.


I was on bed. In the darkness. My eyes following the fan sloing twirling on its speed but my mind in its own thought process.


What the hell is that now? New way to kill me? 


   "HE IS NOT--" Before father could finish, a voice called me out from behind.

What was that...? Chills ran over my body, frightening chills.



Life's a bitch. That's all I want to state.

I have been dreadful. Mentally and physically. I listen to none now, not even my own. I have no simple motivation in me, not even to stay alive. I shouldn't be thinking this, atleast for the sake of the elemental teams but..

..I missed him... deeply, unfathomably, senselessly I just fucking missed him. I wanted-- No, I needed him and that would be my last wish. the wish which could never come true, I knew it very well.

 I assume stuff to make myself mad at him and detach, the minimum amount of trust in us did not exist within him?.. But I know I can't have these thoughts; I can't be selfish. He is just being true to himself, siding his people, his father and fulfilling his birthright duties. 

Birthright duties I say..? Duties of a demonic royal..? Why out of everyone, it had to be him?! WHY??!!

Tears flowed down silently.

"Y/n..?" a soft voice followed by a knock on my room door called upon as my head immediately shifts towards it.

"C-come in.." I wiped my tears very quick. The door gently swung open, with a worried Irene.

"Sup?" I fake smiled and cleared my crackly throat from that crying. She sits beside me on the bed.

"Y/n.. everyone's worried about you.." She put her hand on my shoulder. I looked upto her. Her gaze was making me pity her and feel guilty. Why? I have no idea. She had the same pain within but she stayed strong. And that's why I respected her, the perfect someone to be the future royal Queen.

"Irene... I have lost it right..? I have lost myself... I have lost..

...him?" Just the thought of him moists my eyes.

"Oh y/n..." She pulls me into a warm comforting embrace and I break down endlessly crying on her shoulder.

"Tough times don't last my dear, tough people do." My respect for her raises on her every word. She is an icon. 

I have dwelled on her words and concluded myself, for the future!



Y/n POV  

I walk down the stairs for having breakfast with everyone while trying to have a better spirit.

All the eyes were on me as the first thing I did was remove the chair beside me.. which belonged to him. My heart crushed inside but my outer self did not give a fuck. I received pitiful looks but tried not to let it soften me.

"This is the last time we'll be talking about Kim Taehyung. From today, he means nothing but an enemy. A demon himself." Harsh words? I had to use them. 

"We will follow everything you say Queen." Jimin got me and bowed down. After that, everyone got up and joined him. I realized how everyone bent down too much and tried to hide their tears. Duties before emotions they say...

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