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"I'm aware.. But why do you think the king has still kept me here, even though I am not his son? I mean he can perform with adorcism on any kid around the world. Maybe someone more powerful and willing?" I look at her face as she remained silent,

"Because your royal blooded."

"Oh thank you BUT I KNOW THAT!! WHY DOES EVERYONE CALL ME ROYAL BLOODED WHEN I AM NOT HIS SON?!?!" I yell out of frustration. It gets harder every second when you, yourself don't know who the hell you actually are.

"Who said you have the demon blood line?" It took me straight 10 seconds to realize what she meant.


"Ah seems like the prince is still under the rock huh?" She laughed.

"Tell me Alice, who are my real parents??" I glared at her with bloodshot eyes.

"Calm down, I can help.. if you maybe.." She leaned closer to my face. I clearly knew what she was implying.

"Back off! Of course someone like you would make a give-take deal. Well sorry but you can kindly fuck off. Good night." I grabbed her harshly and threw her out of my room without waiting for her response.


Author POV

"So he knows it.." Serenther said expressionlessly.

"Yes my lord, but he still isn't aware from which royal blood line he is." Alice, the loyal bitch, had to go and tell everything to Serenther. Who thought she changed?

"Hmm... tighten the security of the palace so neither can those kids come in nor he could try escaping. And keep a keen eye on him, he really can't lose him." 

"I understand my lord, have a good night." Alice left after bowing down.



Tzuyu had put in the medicine in the IV drip connected to Jungkook. I knew I had to trust her on this and remained calm.

"You can have some rest now, we'll stay awake by turns. Good night." I smiled as she nodded and took the couch.

"Wake me up if anything happens. Good night Y/n." She softly smiled back. 

I saw Tzuyu's figure shiver on the couch and decided to ask for an extra blanket from the reception.

"There you go." The kind lady handed me over a warm blanket.

"Thank you so much." I bowed and walked towards our room. And I saw him for the second time. Taehyung. He was knelt down beside Jungkook and had a grip on his hand while he sobbed. I froze there, not understanding if I should interrupt him or not. It was impossible to believe he is the same person who sent assassins to murder Jungkook.

I approached him hesitantly and my hands trembled as I pat his head. He was alarmed and looked up, too stunned to speak.

"I have got my confirmation.. it really wasn't you.."  He lay his head low, giving up on the act.

"The alice thing was also fake. Or else why would you bother coming here. But why?" I knelt down beside him, pretty close. It had been so long since we were breathing the same air peacefully.

"I had to make you hate me Y/n... I had to hate myself..." His voice was husky from crying and his face was red and blotchy.

"No Taehyung, you don't have to. I don't hate you because you left the elemental team just to fulfill your duties. Supporting the demons is your birthright duty. And you definitely do not need to hate yourself. Its absurd." We shared a deep eye contact and the tension between us was growing. Our bodies wanted to feel each other's. 

"Why are you making me fall for you all over again?" He pulls me closer by sliding his hand behind my neck.

"Do you regret it?" 

"Oh never." 

He whispered before we impatiently connected our lips. 

I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him closer and feeling, feeling him and the warmth he never failed to bring. I could sense his heart beating against his chest. Quite fast I could say. So was mine. 

We pull back and try not to make noise after realizing there were two people asleep in the room. But that was not the point. The point was how much we missed this. The butterflies, the breathless moments, the way we shower our love, EVERYTHING.

"Missed me much?" He smiled playfully. Oh how much I longed to see him like this.

"So much that even the thought of you burst me out in tears. Not being able to see you and even if I ever got a chance, it was only to meet you as someone I am supposed to hate."  He deeply looked at me as I spoke every word. It was as if he was so grateful. As if he finally got the life he wanted.

"I can't do this anymore Y/n. I want you, I need you."

It hit me. Harder than a rock. What the hell were we doing? 

We were supposed to be sworn enemies not romantically involve with each other.

But Taehyung was least bothered about it.

In my momentary hesitation, he lifted my chin up and our eyes locked.

"I know what your thinking. But don't. Its unnecessary. I am not his son." 

"What??" I was shocked, but it was a good kind of shock. 

"I wanted to tell it to you when you came with Jimin but Alice interrupted me."

"Are you saying you did not tell us because of some bloody woman?"

"No! it was because I wanted to confirm. It just got too hard to believe. but she has also admitted it, from her own mouth. I am satisfied. So what actually happened was they tried to--" I cut him off.

"Oh please explain this later.. right now all I want is to be in your safe arms." 

He smiled and embraced me. His scent, his comforting and safe vibes, everything was back. I just wanted to freeze time and stay like this forever.

"Ahrm.. may I interrupt your romance?" Both of us shook our heads towards the voice.

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