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Heyyyyy, my name is Ahana Mehra, I am 24 years old, I live in Mumbai, I am a interior designer. I own a designing company named "INFINITY", well so much success at a young age, questionable right, I know I don't blame you for thinking so, well let me tell you more about myself. I am an orphan from Bangalore, I pretty much stayed there for the majority part of my life. For my higher studies I shifted to Mumbai and here I rose to success, I did a part time job at a firm and the owner was very helpful, she is the one who shaped and helped me be what I am today, I am very grateful to her. Also it is her company that I took over, she was going to sell and retire anyways.

Well, apart from being an orphan and a famous designer, peeking into my personal life, to be honest there's nothing much actually, because I have had no previous relationships, no one really wants to date or have an orphan as their partner, I someday hope I find the man of my dreams and have a friend, companion, supporter and my own cheerleader for life. I hope my wish is fulfilled some day.

Coming to friends, I have only one friend(Rashi Mehra) who is an orphan too and we come from the same orphanage, but the only difference is that she is a Dentist.

Agreed, our choices maybe very different and we might be poles apart as individuals, but we are the closest thing to family the other has ever had, we've been each others support system, mother, father, sister, friend and what not. 

Ohhh my bad, you all must be wondering, how is it that both of us have sir name's, well that is because who ever was in my orphanage was given the sir name 'Mehra' as that was the last name of the very sweet caretakers of the orphanage.

Life in Bangalore was very hard, I was mostly taught in the orphanage till the 8th grade, but because I was a bright student I had the opportunity to apply for scholarships and lucky enough I got into one which helped me gain enough courage and exposure to face the world there after.

I shifted to Mumbai, after I got a seat in one of the prestigious design college.  

So yeah, if you people are interested in my life then common ahead, I am more than happy to take you through my life.


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