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Author's POV

Karan and Ahana reached the hospital on time and walked to the doctor's cabin, after waiting for 10mins they were called in to meet the doctor.

Ahana: Hi Dr. Shikha

Doctor: hi Ahana, how are you and how is Kainat?

Ahana: both of us are doing good, also I want you to meet Karan my to be husband and this cute little man, Ayaan, my son.

Doctor: hi Karan

Karan: hello

Doctor: so what brings you here today?

Ahana: actually doctor, Ayaan's mother left him when he was 10days old, and since then he has been drinking bottled milk, but now that he has me, I don't want him to do that, I want to feed him too just like I feed Kainat. Can I do that?

Doctor: I don't see a problem, you can go ahead, but before that I want to ask you a few questions

Ahana: yeah sure, please ask

Doctor: how is your menstrual cycle?

Ahana: well I have not had it since two months, like you had mentioned earlier

Doctor: okay that's fine, but let me warn you, when you get your periods next it going to be very intense, you are going to be in a lot of pain and there will be extensive bleeding too.

Ahana: okay I will be careful

Doctor: that's all, I will change your prescription, you can go ahead.

Ahana: thank you, Ayaan has a vaccination due in 2 days, so I mean is it okay

Doctor: no no all that won't be a problem, you can start feeding him from today itself.

Ahana: okay doctor, thank you

Thanking the doctor, Ahana and Karan along with the kids left the hospital.

Reaching home, Ahana and Karan laid the kids on the bed and made them comfortable and walked into the living room.

Ahana: Karan, can I say something?

Karan: hmm

Ahana: why don't you and Ayaan shift here for three months till we get married and then we can move to your apartment, once I start feeding Ayaan, it is going to be hard.

Karan: makes sense, I ll talk to my parents about it.

Ahana: hmm okay, I will make dinner for the both of us, tell me what you want to eat.

Karan: sit down, don't exert yourself, I will order food.

Karan ordered food for the both of them, while Ahana had laid her head on his shoulder and was side hugging him.

Karan called his parents and spoke to them about moving into Ahana's house with Ayaan, they were hesitant in the beginning but later they agreed thinking about Ayaan. Karan and Ahana were more than happy to be spending time together.

Ahana: I am so blessed, I just can't thank god enough.

Karan: chill jaana, I know you're overwhelmed by all the recent happenings

Ahana: hmm, Karan ma was asking us to go shopping for our rings, I asked her to purchase the outfit for me, I can't really go around much with the both of them

Karan: yeah ma asked me about it too, but it just slipped off my mind. So when do you want to go?

Ahana: can we please finish it tomorrow, maybe in the noon when both my babies are napping, I can ask ma to come over or maybe we can drop them there

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