Part 22

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The next morning everything  was rush as Ahana and Karan overslept.

After breakfast and getting the kids ready Karan and Ahana too got ready real quick and left to the hospital.

In the car,

Karan: damn today morning was so stressful and such a rush

Ahana: I know right, also Karan I don't know why Ayaan seems so cranky today

Karan: hmm yeah I observed that too, he seems extra clingy to you also

Ahana: hmm, but thank god he is asleep now.

Karan: hmmm, baby listen, anything or anytime you need me while I am away, you are going to call me without hesitation okay, it doesn't matter how busy I am, nothing is above the three of you alright, I generally don't take my phone to meetings but today I will

Ahana: its not needed Karan, I can handle this

Karan: hmm

At the Hospital,

Doc: hey Karan, how are you?

Karan: hey doc, I am good thank you, meet Ahana my wife

Doc: hi Ahana nice to meet you

Ahana: likewise

Doc: great, so before I proceed on checking Ayaan, I would like to give you guys some instructions, Ayaan is going to be down with fever for 2days or three days max, nothing to be worried about, incase it lasts longer meet me. He is going to have slight pain for a couple of hours at the sight of injection, also his appetite might be a little down down for the next 3 days, and be prepared for a really clingy and cranky baby. For the fever I shall give you a syrup for him, also just stick to cold wipes.

Ahana: okay doc

Doc: great then please lay him down on the examination table

Ahana laid a sleeping Ayaan on the examination table, the doctor examined him.

Doc: Karan he seems to be doing really good, there is lot of improvement from what I saw the last time.

Karan: hmm

Doc: okay which one of you is going to hold him tightly?

Karan: I ll do it

The doc helped position Ayaan in Karan's arms, once done he lowered Ayaan's pants and disinfected the site of injection and injected the vaccine into him almost immediately, Ayaan was a crying mess, his loud cries made Kai cry out loud too, Ahana was trying to calm Kai when Karan walked out with a wailing Ayaan in his arms, the doctor suggested Ahana to feed him as it will provide him with some comfort, obliging to the doctor, Ahana picked Ayaan and handed Kai to Karan and walked into the room to feed Ayaan.

The moment Ahana placed Ayaan on the bed to unbutton herself, Ayaan started wailing even more loudly, she immediately picked him back up in her arms and helped Ayaan latch on her nipple.

10mins down, Ayaan had calmed down, but was very very cranky and clingy to Ahana and Karan.

Ayaan just wanted the both of them by his side no matter what, he wanted both of them to be at his eyes distance.

On their way back home, Karan stopped to buy medicines for Ayaan and some chocolates for Kai.

Karan dropped his lifelines off at homes and headed to work.

At home,

Ahana laid Ayaan on the crib that Karan had shifted to the living room this morning. She fed Kai and both of them were happily lost in their world, Ahana was feeling tired today but her priority was her babies, when Ahana noticed that Kai was tired too and wanted to sleep, she picked her up and starting patting her back rhythmically to help Kai sleep sooner, Kai was almost asleep when Ayaan started wailing out loud not finding his guardian angles anywhere.

Listening to Ayaan's cries Kai woke up and started crying too feeling tired and unable to rest she was as cranky as Ayaan was.

Ahana picked Ayaan up along with Kai and walked into the bedroom and laid them both on the bed.

Ahana realised that Ayaan is starting to get a fever, he was warmer than normal.

30mins down, no matter what  Ahana tried to do her kids refused to calm down.

Ahana started crying out of helplessness too.

Ahana just could not understand what to do.

She called Karan.

Call conversation

Karan: hey Ahana, everything okay?....... Ahana baby can you hear me?

2mins into the call, Karan heard Ahana sobbing, Karan left the meeting room immediately and headed to his cabin.

Karan: Ahana baby, are you okay, are the kids okay?

Ahana: no none of us are, please come back I can't handle the both of them alone, I was wrong so wrong to not take your help or send Kai to mumma's

Karan: its okay janna, its okay, I will leave in 10 mins, I will be reaching home in 40 mins tops.

Ahana: no no you leave right now and come please, Kai and Ayaan are both crying their lungs out and both of them are not ready to be fed, I really don't know what to do.

Karan: okay okay I am coming I am leaving right away, calm down Jaana, I will be home soon

Ahana: okay

After the phone call, Ahana checked on Kai who had calmed down but was still sobbing, Ahana put her in the crib in the living room to watch some cartoons, leaving the baby monitor on went back in the room, she picked Ayaan and proceeded to feed him, which calmed him down to great level.

Ahana fed Ayaan and gave him his syrup as his temperature was rising, she also put him to sleep and checked on Kai who was busy watching her cartoon on the iPad.

Ahana went back to her room and packed Kai's bags for 2 days as she would be going to the Malhotra house.

Close to 40mins later, Karan entered the house and was greeted with silence.

Karan self talk "wow okay, I did not expect this"

Karan walked further in to notice Kai asleep in the crib, Ayaan asleep on the bed, but he couldn't find his wife.

He went around the house only to find her on the swing in the balcony cuddled up to herself and crying hard, it was a very painful sight to watch.

Karan picked Ahana in his arms and walked into the bedroom and placed her on couch and sat beside her. However, Ahana refused to sit beside him and shifted on his lap and hugged him tight and hid her face in the crook of his neck.

Karan: baby, shhhhhh, I am right here Jaana, we can handle this together baby don't worry

Ahana: I have never felt this helpless Karan, I think we should break off all this between us, I can't be a good mother, you should probably find someone else, I love Ayaan no doubt but I can't deprive him of what he deserves.

Karan: you better stop talking before I say something I don't mean Ahana.

Ahana: but Karan I

Karan: shhhh, listen to me, you are not a bad mother, you are just stressed and tired handling two infants okay, you haven't had enough sleep in god knows how many months and today without any help it just added to your stress. Listen to me loud and clear Ahana, I mean every word I say now, I love you, I have never felt like this before, being with you makes everything so easy, trust me when I say Ayaan and I have never been this happy, please don't talk crap, I am going to go drop Kai off at my parents, you will sleep till I am back and yes I am taking Ayaan to, please sleep, once you up and in a better state of mind, we will talk okay.

Ahana: hmmm okay

Karan carried Ahana to bed and laid down beside her and kept caressing her back until she fell asleep.

Once Ahana had fallen asleep, Karan kept her phone beside her on the nightstand. He called his driver and asked him to come to the apartment, he handed the bag that Ahana had packed for Kai, he picked both his children and headed to the car, to drop off Kai.

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