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Author's POV

Ahana was checking the mail sent by Aniket, which had all the details of Ayaan's vaccinations, she realised that he is due for a vaccine in 2 days, she made a mental note of it as she had to talk to Karan about the same , her thoughts were disturbed by the cries of Ayaan so went into her room and picked him, he just cuddled into her and fell asleep taking in her warmth, she put him down again so he could sleep properly, but he started crying again so Ahana just gave up and picked Ayaan in her arms and was cradling him when he fell asleep again.

The sound of the door bell woke Ayaan up again and he started to get cranky with so many disturbances, Ahana just smiled at his cute irritated face and kissed his cheek hard which made him smile and he placed his head on her shoulder, Ahana just smiled at his cuteness and went to open the door, she was greeted by a tired Karan, he just passed her and Ayaan a smile and walked towards the sofa and fell on it resting his head, Ahana looked at him and walked to the kitchen to get him a glass of water.

Handing him the glass of water, she sat next to him. Finishing the water, Karan looked towards Ayaan and Ahana, he smiled at Ayaan and stretched his hands forward to take him in his arms, looking at which Ayaan just turned completely in Ahana's arms and snuggling into her, refusing to go towards him.

Karan was just shocked at his reaction, wide eyed he looked towards Ahana, who was just laughing.

Karan: rehne doh tum dono, mein aapni beti ke pass ja raha hu.

Saying so he walk to the room only to be disappointed to see Kai sleeping peacefully, he goes towards her and pecks her forehead and goes back into the living room only to see the mother and son just snuggling into each other, he smiles and goes towards them and pecks both of their cheeks. Ahana goes red as soon as Karan pecks her cheek, looking at which Karan just laughs.

Karan: haayeee so cute you look, with these red cheeks

Ahana: stop teasing me, chalo I ll serve you lunch

Karan: what about you?

Ahana: I have to eat too

Karan: come then, saath mean khaate hain

Ahana: hmm come

Settling on the table Ahana serves Karan and herself some biryani, where as Ayaan was just lost playing with Ahana's hair.

Ahana: how was your day?

Karan: tiring

Ahana: hmm

Karan: ummmmm Ahana, the biryani is yum

Ahana: thank you, I am glad you liked it.

Karan: vaise, why were you asking for Ayaan's vaccination card?

Ahana: just like that, I wanted to stay updated

Karan: hmm

Ahana: Karan, he has a vaccination due in 2 days.

Karan: yeah, Aniket told me about it

Ahana and Karan were disturbed by Kai's cries, Ahana dropped her spoon and walked towards Karan and handed him Ayaan, she that she could go check on Kai.

Ayaan refused to let go of Ahana and started to cry loudly, looking at which she said, "you finish your food I will look after both of them".

Ahana walked into the room to see Kai awake, she realised she must be hungry so Ahana to put Ayaan in from of her and unbuttoned her dress and sat down to feed Kai.

Once Kai was done filling her stomach, Ahana set her dress and walked out with both her babies to the living room to see Karan busy on the phone, she walked to the dining table to complete her food only to see that Karan had not finished his food too, so she sat there patiently waiting for him.

Once he came back,

Ahana: why did you get up in between?

Karan: I was just waiting for you to come back.

Ahana: Karan I asked you to finish and not wait

Karan: it's okay Ahana, waise, you've been running up and down the whole time nahi, I don't think you have rested even a bit with these two devils.

Ahana: first of all, my babies are not devils and I did relax when they both were sleeping

Karan: hmm, lets leave once we done with lunch, otherwise we will be late

Ahana: yeah, I have packed their bags also.

Once they were done with lunch, Karan picked up Kai and the diaper bags and they left to the hospital.

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