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Author's POV

The next day, Karan woke up and got ready for work, it was 7:30am and he was all ready to leave, he went and picked Ayaan from his crib and pecked his forehead holding him close to himself and walked to the living room to see his parents sitting on the sofa enjoying each others company with a cup of coffee in their hands.

Karan: good morning parents

Vinita & Vikram: good morning

Vikram: so already for todays meetings?

Karan: yes papa

Vinita: Karan, why have you not woken up and changed Ayaan?

Karan: well ma, it is an order from Ahana that I should not disturb her son's beauty sleep, and I am supposed not get him there without troubling him, so yeah, just following instructions.

The Malhotra couple laughed listening to that and Karan said he needs to leave now so saying bye, he walked out of their house to go meet Ahana.

At 8:30am, Karan was in standing in front of Ahana's apartment with a frown on his face, as he had been waiting outside for 10mins and she hadn't opened the door for him yet, he rang the door bell again, but no answer. Worried he called her, his phone went unanswered the first time, which made him get tensed completely, he called her again and finally Ahana answered,

Karan: Ahana, are you okay, why you not opening the door?

Ahana: I am so sorry, I am coming *sleepy voice*

Ahana opened the door within two mins, looking at her Karan just smiled, she looked really adorable in her bed head and pyjamas, she opened the door and let Karan walk in.

Ahana: I am so sorry, Kai woke up for her feed at 2am and she did not sleep until 5am.

Karan: it's okay, I just got so worried

Ahana, just smiled at him and once he put Ayaan on bed she just hugged Karan tightly not ready to let him go.

Karan tightened his hold around her.

Karan: Ahana, what happened baby, you okay?

Ahana: yeah, I am okay, but I just can't believe all this, I can't believe we're getting engaged and I am getting a family to call mine, all this seems like a dream.

Karan: well, all this is true baby, its not a dream, get used to all this

Ahana: hmm

Karan: baby, I would love to hold you like this in my arms and spend all my time with you, but I have to go baby I got work to do.

Ahana: 5 mins

Karan: I will be here by 2:30pm, we can have lunch and then go meet the doctor. Also, I have placed Ayaan's bag on the sofa, everything he needs is in there.

Ahana: okay, bye have a good day, close the main door on your way out.

Saying so Ahana goes towards the bed to get some more sleep, smiling at her, Karan goes to towards the bed and kisses each of their forehead, and leaves to go to office.

At 9am Ahana was woken up by the cries of Ayaan, she quickly picks him up and cradles him and walks to the kitchen picking his bottle to heat some milk for him

While heating the bottle she stares at this little life in complete awe, he was looking so cute, clinging on to Ahana like his life depends on it, after Ahana made sure the milk is warm enough she walked towards the sofa and settled down and started feeding Ayaan. Once she made him comfortable she picked her phone to call to Karan.

On call,

Karan: baby anything important?

Ahana: yeah, Karan can you please send me vaccination details of Ayaan.

Karan: sure, I ll ask Aniket to mail it to you

Ahana: okay

Karan: cool, bye see you in the noon.

Once Karan disconnected the call, Ahana looked down at Ayaan who was staring at her already, she smiles and starts talking to him, "dekha baby, papa is so busy, mumma se he didn't talk properly only, let him come home we ll not talk to him okay, we will also ignore him" listening to her Ayaan started giggling, looking at this Ahana said, "toh my baby is on my side huh, that's nice, hum dono papa ko ache se taang karenge okay, chalo now that you have filled your stomach mumma will give you a nice shower and get you ready for the day", Ahana picks Ayaan and goes into her room and lays him on the bed and walks to the washroom to prepare the bath for him, coming back Ahana sees Kai stirring in her sleep, so she walks towards her and picks he run and puts her on her lap, removing the buttons of her night suit she lowers her bra cup and helps Kai latch on to her nipple and starts to feed her. Kai being hungry starts sucking fast causing Ahana pain, Ahana says " shant baby, mumma is right here, I am not going anywhere, slowly" listening to Ahana voice, Kai calms down a little and starts sucking a little softly, making Ahana smile.

Ahana looks at both her lifelines and thanks god for making them a part of her life and promises herself not to let them suffer come what may.

After filling Kai's tummy she places her on the bed next to Ayaan and goes into the bathroom to check on the tub for their bath, satisfied she goes back to her babies and takes their clothes off and gets into the tub with them.

Both her babies were very excited to play in water, she had fun with them playing in water for 15 mins and then she started washing them off, she didn't want them to stay in water for too long and catch cold.

Done bathing both of them she walked into the room with herself wrapped in a bathrobe and her two munchkins wrapped in their towels looking extremely adorable.

She placed them on bed and applied lotion and powdered both of them and diapered them up and made them wear their clothes, after this she placed both of them on the play mat and she went back into the washroom to quickly shower and get ready for the day.

15mins later Ahana walked out after her shower to see both the babies busy in their own world babbling and playing, smiling she walked towards her cupboard and pulled out a button down dress for the day, getting ready in it she made her hair and applied minimal makeup and picked up the babies to take them to the living room so that she could eat while watching them.

Taking her bowl of oats she sat in front of the tv to watch something while she eats her breakfast. Done with her breakfast she looked towards the babies to see both of them almost asleep.

She placed her bowl aside and picked Kai up to feed her, lowering her dress she started to feed Kai and she ran her fingers through her hair, which helped her sleep sooner. Putting Kai on the bed, she picked up Ayaan gave him his bottle and started patting him and even he slept after 15mins. She put him on the bed too and surrounded them both with pillows, once she was satisfied she cleaned everything and went to prepare biryani for Karan as it was already 12:30pm.

Around 1:30pm everything was ready, Ahana checked on the kids and then sat down to watch some tv to pass time while she waits for Karan to come. 

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