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While waiting for the flight at the airport, Ahana cried her eyes out, she was missing Karan like hell, she also regretted her decision of coming here alone.

She thought off all the times he said go next week even I can come, I ll work from the hotel you can go around and do your thing, but her stupid self had to fight him and come alone.

Ayaan the whole time was worried looking at his mumma cry, he tried his best to gain her attention but failed miserably, he could see she is hurt and he was tenderly touching her arm and forehead that was bandaged.

Ayaan gave up trying to get attention and just snuggled into her chest.

Ahana felt blessed to have a child like him who was so sensible for his age, she kissed the top of his head and hugged him tight.

Soon their flight was announced, Ayaan was a little fussy in the flight but it is nothing that Ahana couldn't manage, somehow she reached Mumbai. All she wanted to do was crash in her husbands arms.

It was around 7pm when Ahana landed, she took Ayaan to Malhotra house spoke to Vikram and Vinita and dropped off Ayaan at their place and headed to Malhotra group where she knew her workaholic husband would pretty much be.

Around 9 she reached there and enquired about him, only to know that he had a meeting which was stretched and it is still not done, she informed Aniket to tell Karan about her presence while she waited for him in his cabin.

Ahana waited for Karan but was so tired with all the happenings of today, exhaustion got the best of her and she feel asleep on the couch in his cabin.

Stepping out of the meeting, Karan shook his hands with everyone and bid them a goodnight, he was headed to his cabin when Aniket came and told him "sir Ahana ma'am is waiting for you in your cabin"

Karan- Ahana, no she is Bangalore she will be here only day after

Aniket- no sir, she came back early, she asked me to reschedule her flight, she landed in Mumbai at 7, and now she is here sir in your cabin

Karan hurriedly walking towards his cabin asked, why did you not tell me when she asked you to reschedule earlier.

Aniket- sir she asked me not to mention anything, I thought it was a surprise

Karan- well then why you telling me now

When Karan asked this Aniket didn't respond, he didn't know what to say, he just kept mum, which scared Karan, he just gave him a pointed look and rushed to his cabin.

The moment Karan entered his cabin, he saw a heartbreaking sight of his wife lying on the couch hurt and shivering from the temperature of his cabin.

He immediately took off his blazer to cover her and instructed Aniket to turn the AC off and call the doctor on duty.

Aniket followed the instruction in a blink.

Aniket- sir the doctor is going to be here in 10 mins

Karan- what time did she come here

Aniket- sir 30 mins ago, but she landed at 7

Karan- give me my phone

Aniket handed his phone to him, while Karan called is parents and spoke to them and enquired about Ayaan and told them to take care of him and he would look after Ahana.

Karan checked Ahana's bag to find some reports or prescription or whatever he could find to show the doctor.

Karan found the hospital file and was going through it when the doctor arrived, he spoke to the doctor and handed him the file, the doctor went through the file and checked Ahana.

The doctor told Karan not to worry, it was all external injuries which will heal with time, and her dressing has to be changed every 3rd day.

Karan and the doctor exchanged some pleasantries, the doctor left.

Karan sat on his knees near the couch and softly ruffled Ahana's hair and called her to wake her up, Ahana slowly opened her eyes and gave a heart warming smile looking at Karan in front of her which was enough to melt all his anger.

Karan whispered- kaise hua yeh sab Ahana, mujhe bataya kyu nahi tumne

The moment she heard this, she immediately burst in to tears, Karan looked suprised seeing her crying so hysterically.

Karan gathered Ahana in his arms and said "arey arey Maine too aapko Abhi daata bhi nahi toh why are you crying like this huh"

Ahana- you know I was so scared, I am never going anywhere without you, also I hate you so much, all my life I have stayed alone and did everything alone, but you have changed me, I can't do anything by myself anymore, you have spoilt me. That's so mean of you

Karan- ohh no, I am so sorry I changed you, I very sorry for spoiling you *faking innocence*

Ahana- you deserve to get punished

Karan- okay and what is my punishment?

Ahana- you have to be there for me always, I am your baby, you're never going to let me do things alone no matter what, even if I put up a fight like I did this time. I know I can get really stubborn sometimes, but you don't give up okay.

Karan- okay meri jaan, i agree to all your conditions but I want you to tell me what happened

Ahana told Karan everything that happened after their phone call

Karan- you shouldn't have rushed like that in this state bacha, why did you stress yourself so much like that

Ahana- I was so scared, I just wanted you, I didn't want to stay there anymore, I just wanted you that's all

Karan- you should have just called me, I would have come instead, also Ayaan can really be a handful sometimes.

Ahana- no no Ayaan is the best child, he didn't trouble me at all, in fact when I was crying he was busy caressing my wounds or hugging me

Karan- well then I can say we've raised him right

Ahana- yeah

Karan- come lets eat something and you then you can rest okay?

Ahana just hmmed and snuggled in Karan.

Karan fed Ahana some soup and roti sabzi, she refused to eat but somehow Karan made her eat a little.

Ahana and Karan went home and slept in each others arms.

The next few days was a little hectic for Karan, as he had to handle Ahana at home and his office work.

On the other hand, Ayaan refused to stay with his grandparents this time, he just wants his ma, and he absolutely missed his papa.

Ahana and Karan had no choice but pick him back.

Ahana somehow took care of Ayaan along with herself. Ahana recovered soon with all the love and care from her husband and son.

A year later,

Ahana and Karan celebrated Ayaan's first birthday in Goa, the family had an absolute blast.

Karan had taken two business trips in this time period, initially Ahana insisted on coming and did not want to stay alone at any cost but somehow Karan managed to convince her and he ended up taking not one but two trips.

Coming to our little hero Ayaan, well he is getting naughtier day by day, also now that he has learnt how to walk, he makes sure to keep his ma papa on their toes. 

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