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Author's POV

Ahana woke up to Kai's cries at 4am in the morning, she quickly went and picked her up so that she doesn't wake up Ayaan also.

Picking her up she walked towards the bed to feed Kai when she saw Karan sleeping peacefully, she walked to her cupboard and picked up a stole to cover herself and Kai so that she could feed Kai without being uncomfortable. Once she settled down and started to feed Kai, she could not help but admire Karan who was looking absolutely adorable with his hair spread all over his forehead, his mouth slightly open and his soft snores, she could not help herself she ruffled his hair and dropped a quick kiss on his forehead and cheek, which disturbed Kai and made her cranky.

Once Kai was fed, Ahana put her to sleep and picked Ayaan up she fed him too and put him back in the crib, Ahana came back to bed and tried to sleep but could not, so she got up and packed the kids bag that was needed for the day.

It was around 6am when Ahana went back to sleep again.

At 7am, Karan woke up to see his three lifelines sleeping peacefully, kissing each of their forehead, he went to freshen up. He came out see Kai awake and active, so he picked her up and walked out of the room covering his to-be wife and his son and walked into the kitchen to make coffee for himself.

Taking the coffee he sat with Kai, talking to her and she was just smiling and babbling to Karan, she looked very over joyed for some unknown reason.

At 8am when Karan realised that both his Son and to-be are in no mood to wake up anytime soon, he walked into the bedroom to wake them both up.

Karan put Kai on the carpet with some toys around her and went to Ahana, he went and back hugged her and snuggled into her neck and said "wakey wakey lazy bum", Ahana just hmmed and turned towards Karan and wrapped her arms around him and slept snuggling into him. Karan could not help but laugh at her antics, he just kissed her forehead and let her sleep for some more time in his arms while he was checking mails on his phone.

Kai started whining as she was hungry, Karan woke up Ahana, but she said, "Karan I have pumped two bottles, please heat it and feed her, I am having a bad headache I don't feel very well myself". Karan picked Kai up and heated the bottle and fed her, she emptied the bottle and fell asleep while he was burping her, he made her lay comfortably on the crib and went back to the bed, talking to Aniket about work.

When he finished his call he saw Ahana awake, he leaned into her and asked her, "you feeling better, if not sleep some more baby, I will take care of the kids"

Ahana said, " I feel a little better, I just don't know why I feel so uneasy, I was fine when I woke up at 4"

Karan: its okay baby don't worry so much, eat something, maybe it will help you feel better.

Ahana: yeah maybe, waise good morning

Karan: good morning

Ahana freshens up and takes Ayaan and feds him and goes to make breakfast for her and Karan.

She made banana milkshake, scrambled eggs, salami and cut fruits, she set the table and called Karan.

They were eating their breakfast, when

Karan: Ahana, what time shall we go?

Ahana: I am okay anytime

Karan: can we please go at 11am, let's drop the kids and go, once we finish our shopping we can go for lunch and then back to Malhotra house, I have a call at 4, we can finish dinner and come back after, okay?

Ahana: cool sounds like a plan, after breakfast I ll just pump two bottles and get ready.

Karan: okay

After breakfast Ahana got the kids ready and she pumped milk for the both of them and she got ready.

The four of them left to go to Malhotra house in Karan's car, Kai was put in the car seat but Ayaan was fussy and wasn't ready to be put in it so Ahana said she would just hold him and settled in the front seat.

Karan: you feeling better now

Ahana: yeah, much better actually

Ahana and Karan were talking about random things when Ayaan patted Ahana's chest to gain her attention which made Ahana hiss in pain.

Karan: Ahana you okay, are you hurt somewhere, why did you hiss?

Ahana: I am okay Karan

Karan was not satisfied with her answer but he let it go as they had reached.

Going in they greeted the Malhotra couple and Ahana told Vinita about everything that the kids would need and where was it placed and soon Karan and Ahana left for the ring shopping.

Karan and Ahana went to 3 jewellery shops and could not find what they wanted, nothing really impressed the both of them, Karan was already running thin on patience, Ahana on the other hand just didn't know what to do.

Walking into another shop with no hopes at all, Karan said to the shop keeper that they wanted platinum and diamond couple rings, the shopkeeper showed them a couple of designs and they actually liked them, they were happy with the collection here, 40mins later they decided the rings and paid for it and went for lunch to a close by restaurant.

Karan: what do you want to eat Jaana?

Ahana: anything, can you please order for the both of us

Karan: sure

Karan placed the order for the both of them and asked Ahana

Karan: jaana are you okay, you Seem a little low and cranky today

Ahana: umm Karan I..

Karan: baby, we will be spending the rest of our lives together, please don't hesitate in telling me anything, what so ever it is, the smallest to the smallest thing I want to know about my wife, even your girl problems, please be comfortable with me

Ahana: ummm, because of the lactation pills I have not been regular with my menstrual cycle, the doctor said its natural to not have it for 2-3 months, but when I get one after that break its going to be bad and I think I might get it in the next few days, I can feel the changes in my body since last night, and right now I am very scared, its Ayaan's vaccination tomorrow, he is going to be down with fever and uneasiness for the next 4 days at least after, and with me feeling this way I don't know I am just so irritated.

Karan hold Ahana's hands that were on the table and says "baby there is nothing to be worried about, I know you have dealt with most of you problems alone this long in life but now that you have me, all you have to do is say, I will always be by your side and help you out with whatever it is, okay"

Ahana: I will surely let you know whenever and where ever I need you.

Karan: good, now common I want you to finish everything, no neglecting your meals and all

Karan and Ahana were having a nice time, when Karan received a call from his mother, after the call he said Ahana that Ayaan has woken up and is crying his eyes out, we need to go home and also he has refused to feed from the bottle, mom tried everything she could but he has not stopped crying from the last 40mins.

Ahana and Karan immediately rushed towards Malhotra house.

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