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Author's POV

It was 10:30pm when Ahana reached home, she quickly changed herself and Kai to comfortable clothes, she sat on the bed comfortably to feed Kai and called Karan.

Call Conversation

Ahana: hey

Karan: hi, reached safe?

Ahana: yes

Karan: good

Ahana: what time will you leave Ayaan here tmrw?

Karan: 8am, I know its a little early but I got t-

Ahana: its okay, leave him here anytime I don't have a problem and you don't have to think so much

Karan: hmmm

Ahana: are you okay, you seem low

Karan: arey no, I am fine, I was just sending Aniket few things for tomorrow

Ahana: oh its okay, you go do your work, we can talk tomorrow

Karan: no no I am done

Ahana: okay

Karan: listen, I will send you Aniket's number, he is my assistant, incase I don't answer or you aren't able to reach me you can call him, he already has your number.

Ahana: okay

Karan: I don't really have the habit of taking my phone to meetings, so you know just incase. Also, never hesitate to call me, it doesn't matter whatever I am doing or whatever time it is, okay.

Ahana: okayyy

Karan: what you doing?

Ahana: feeding Kai, what you doing?

Karan: I am just packing my files and all that for tomorrow

Ahana: Karan

Karan: hmmm

Ahana: I want your full attention

Karan: you have my full attention baby, I am listening to you.

Ahana: Karan I am planning to sell my company Infinity, what do you think?

Karan: firstly I am not someone who is controlling, yeah I am possessive, but doesn't mean you need my permission for everything. You can do whatever you want to I will not question you. I know you're a sensible girl. About your company why do you want to sell it?

Ahana: Firstly, I always told myself that when I find my family, I will quit whatever I am doing and give my time to them completely, and I just got my small sweet family.

Secondly, Kai is 6months old and Ayaan is 4 months old, they need me and my attention more than half the time, I don't want to put a lot of pressure on Ma, also I don't want my babies growing up with nannies.

With all this, I can't run the company, I cannot give my full attention in both places  and I don't want myself to be stuck.

Karan: whatever you decide Ahana, you will have me by your side okay

Ahana: I know I will, I want to be a full time homemaker, I have no complains about it Karan.

My full time is for my babies and you.

Karan: okay baby, as you wish.

Ahana: thank you

Karan: common Ahana, no formalities

Ahana: Karan I also wanted to ask, do you lose patience soon, I mean do you get angry easily

Karan: yes I do, I hate that about myself because I say so much that I don't even mean, but

Ahana: so I have to be careful

Karan: sort off, I will try my level best not to get mad at you and the kids but incase I do, please just handle me

Ahana: hmm

Karan: what time is the appointment tomorrow?

Ahana: 4pm

Karan: okay I will be home by 3, lets go together

Ahana: its okay you directly come to the hospital, we will meet you there

Karan: no, I am coming home and we will go together, also make lunch for me

Ahana: okay ab order kar hi diya hai toh tell me what you want to eat?

Karan: anything you make I will eat

Ahana: okay

Karan: baby

Ahana: hmm *blushes*

Karan: don't tire yourself, I know these little devils are going to take up most of your time

Ahana: tch you don't worry

Karan: okay

Ahana: Karan you should go sleep, you have to wake up early tomorrow, also, don't trouble my son a lot, if he is sleeping then get him here without disturbing him. Don't wake him up and get him ready and all that.

Karan: okay ma'am, no one will disturb your son's beauty sleep, anything else?

Ahana: nope, good night

Karan: good night

Karan and Ahana slept with a peaceful smile on their faces and waited for the next day to arrive where they would be able to see each other. 

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