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Karan dropped of Kai at Malhotra house and returned home to see Ahana still asleep.
He went and pecked her forehead and whispered "pagal" and laid Ayaan beside her and sat beside the both of them and started doing some work.

Almost an hour later, Ahana woke up feeling something burning beside her. She woke up to a cuddled up Ayaan beside her who was burning up and Karan who had fallen asleep while working.

Ahana without making much noise, got off the bed and kept few cushions beside Ayaan, she picked Karan's laptop and files and kept them aside on the couch placed in their room, and quickly walked out of the room to get a bowl of cold water along with some cotton strips.
Getting them she sat beside Ayaan and placed the wet cold cotton strip on his forehead changing it every 10mins.
When Ahana placed the 5th strip Ayaan woke up and started at her, he stretched his arms wanting to be picked up.
Ahana obliged and immediately picked Ayaan in her arms and as a response Ayaan snuggled into Ahana and held her top tight in is tiny palms.
Ahana unbuttoned her top and pulled down the opposite side of the top along with her bra cup and helped Ayaan to reach her nipple.
Ayaan immediately latched onto her nipple, 5mins later Ahana positioned him comfortably in her lap and rested against the head board of the bed and closed her eyes.

After a while, Ahana tried detaching herself from Ayaan but he started to cry and Ahana gave up as it would disturb Karan, not wanting that she let Ayaan feel safe and let him be glued to her.

Karan woke up and saw Ayaan having his feed and Ahana sleeping against the bed rest, he kissed Ayaan's forehead and due the movement Ahana opened her eyes too.

Ayaan feeling his father smiled tiredly at the both of them and snuggled more into Ahana.
Karan smiled at the both of them and went to the washroom to freshen up.

Ahana felt bad when Karan didn't even acknowledge her presence, but she brushed it off and headed to the kitchen to make coffee for him.
Ahana held the coffee mug in one hand and Ayaan in the other and walked out of the kitchen to find Karan sitting on the couch and typing something very seriously.

Ahana: Karan

*No response*

Ahana: Karan

*still no response*

Ahana: Karan talk to me

Karan: Ahana please I don't want to talk

Ahana: par kyu?

Karan picked his laptop and went back to the room. With this behaviour of Karan, Ahana was in tears.

Ahana played with Ayaan for sometime and gave him his syrup and put him to sleep.

After Ayaan was asleep, Ahana went into the room to see Karan standing near the balcony door and talking on phone, she went and back hugged him.

Feeling Ahana's arms around him made him smile but whatever she had said earlier came back to his mind, he unwrapped her arms and went to work again.
But Ahana didn't let him do so, she took the laptop and shut it and put it aside on the bed and settled herself in Karan's lap and held her ears and

Ahana: I am sorry for acting like a fool, I know I am at fault and nothing I say is going to change how you felt at that moment. Honestly, it just slipped off me at that moment but trust me, I can't live without you and Ayaan, I can't imagine my life without my two precious men. I love you Karan, I really do, I am really sorry for the nonsense I uttered. Please forgive me.

Karan couldn't stand tears in her eyes, he removed her hands from her ears and wiped off her tears, she snuggled close to him.

Out of no where, Ahana got up and kissed Karan really hard, Karan was too shocked to respond initially but sooner he took charge, he flipped her on the bed and kissed her all over her neck and the valley down and gave her a couple of love bites near her collar bone.

After this small intense make out session of theirs, they were cuddling to each other when
Karan: next time you talk nonsense like this I swear I won't talk to you, I am not going to tolerate all this Ahana, you want to scream, yell, fight, want to take a break for 2-3days or whatever you want you are most welcome to do, but you talk nonsense, I am just not going to tolerate it.

Ahana: I am sorry, I promise to not repeat it

Karan: hmm *kissed her forehead*
How's Ayaan?

Ahana: he has fever, he is a little cranky not very, I can manage, all he wants is for me to be in front of his eyes when he is awake.
Did you talk to Maa, how's Kai?

Karan: well she's chilling, she hasn't cried apart from the time she was hungry.

Ahana: that's a relief

Karan: baby mom was asking us to go shopping for the engagement and wedding.
She was like take Ahana and get her a dress for the engagement and saree for the wedding and accordingly I can choose for suits which won't take time.

Ahana: okay can we finish it tomorrow and day after, it's for a while and I will handle Ayaan no big deal.

Karan: okay, but tomorrow I have to go to office and finish the meeting so let's go shopping in the evening around 4

Ahana: sure, now come let's have dinner then I have to feed my son also.
Saying so Ahana got up from the bed only to be pulled back by Karan who pecked her lips and said "our son"
Ahana just smiled and went to the kitchen, where as Karan was watching a cricket match on tv.

After dinner, Ahana spoke to Vinita and the three of them went into the room where Ahana fed Ayaan and the three of them slept cuddling each other.

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