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Ahana: Karan tell me about Ayaan's mother

Karan: Janna urgh you really wanna know about her

Ahana: yes Karan please, I want to know everything related to you and Ayaan.

Karan: honestly there is nothing much baby, I meet her in London when I went for my education, I always noticed few red flags but then I just ignored them, to be honest mumma and papa never liked her, they almost never spoke to her. You haven't met my friends yet, but I will make them meet you soon, they always told me, but I ignored, well I am sort of glad all this happened, atleast I met you.

Ahana: me too, I am so happy to have you and Ayaan, after the two of you, I feel complete, I am really blessed

Karan: we both are really lucky too

Ahana: you have never told me about your friends

Karan: well I only have only one friend and you will definitely meet him at our engagement, he is on a work trip.

Ahana: hmmmm, Karan where is your ex-wife now?

Karan: I really don't know jaana, honestly I don't care too. Also, you never have to be jealous okay, any day it will be you over her. You know Ahana I have never felt so grounded, I feel home with the three of you, you just make everything so effortless for me. It's like the only thing I am supposed to be worried about is the company, I just want to do good and be able to provide you guys with the best.

Ahana: I love you

Karan: *kisses her forehead* I love you too baby

Ahana: we didn't go to the penthouse only today.

Karan: yeah, don't worry tomorrow after dinner we ll go for ice cream and visit the house.

Ahana: okay, I ll just go check on Ayaan.

Karan: hmm

Ahana walked in to the bedroom to check on Ayaan and Karan was busy watching TV.

Ahana came back all worried, Karan asked "what happened baby you seem so tensed"

Ahana: Karan, Ayaan, his temperature it's back, my poor baby, he was a little better this evening but

Karan: Ahana calm down, we knew this was coming right the doctor did tell us about it, you've given him the syrup calm down, we will see tomorrow if not let's go to the doctor day after okay?

Ahana: hmm okay, come let's sleep, it's late you have work tomorrow

Karan: yeah come let's go.

Ahana and Karan, slept cuddling to each other.

The next morning,

Karan woke up to the sight of his lifelines looking absolutely adorable and cuddled into each other, he checked Ayaan's temperature, which was normal and kissed both their foreheads and headed to the bathroom to kick start his day.

Karan after his bath got dressed and went to the kitchen and had some milk and cereal for breakfast while he ordered breakfast for Ahana.
Once her breakfast arrived he wrote a quick note and placed it under her phone and left for work.

At around 10:30am Ahana woke up to a whining Ayaan, she held him close and kissed his cheek, he snuggled into her but his mood remained sour.
She woke up changed his diaper and sat down to feed him, that's when she noticed a note beside her phone, frowning she quickly picked it up.


Good morning Janna, hope you slept well, I have a busy day ahead I don't think I will be able to talk, but yes I have ordered breakfast it's on the table please eat that and have all your meals in time properly, I will come by 7. Love you baby, take care.

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