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At the doctor's cabin,

Ahana: Good afternoon doctor, I am Ahana, Dr.Sharma asked me to come see you.

Doctor: ohh yes, please be seated, she did tell me about you, so what have you decided about breastfeeding?

Ahana: Doctor, very honestly I haven't thought much, but I understand that its very important for Pari's growth and it helps better with bonding, so I really don't know what to do, all this is just so sudden and very overwhelming.

Doctor: I understand Ahana, I shall explain everything to do, you can go back and think about it, you don't have to decide so soon.

Ahana: okay

Doctor: I know that you are not lactating naturally, so I will be prescribing you some lactation pills which you gave to take three times a day as long as you're feeding Pari. There is no major side effects to the pills but however you will see few changes like sudden increase in the size of your breasts, missing maybe two or three menstrual cycles initially, tenderness of the breasts, darkening and swelling of nipples and slight weight gain.

Apart from that nothing else, but remember you need to eat healthy and remain fit while you are breastfeeding.

Once you start taking the pills, you will see the effect only after 36hours.

Ahana: Doctor, can I please take time and decide

Doctor: sure take you time, if its a yes come and meet me I will write you a prescription and also give you few basic instructions

Ahana: okay doctor, thank you.

Ahana's POV

After talking to the doctor, I thought about it and realised that its not very complicated and if I take my good care of myself then I don't have to be worried about the side effects also.

With this thought, I walked into the room to see Pari sleeping peacefully in her crib without any worries, that moment I realised that if I am going to be her mother and if I am going to take full responsibility of her then I should be doing it completely. That moment I decided that I will give everything to my daughter. I went to the nurse station and asked the nurse if Dr. Shikha is still available, if yes then I would like to go meet her.

10mins later the nurse came to and said that she is on rounds and once she is done she would come and meet me here.

I was just catching up on some office work, 30 mins later Dr.Shikha walked in and handed me the prescription of the lactation pills, I looked at her shocked and asked how did she know I would say yes, she said it just comes with experience and she can see my sincerity and love for Pari which is why she knew that I might take some time but I will not say no. I thanked her and she said she would come and meet me two days later and help with the positions to breastfeed and also give me instructions on hygiene. 

I thanked her and went to get the pills, when I was back my Pari was also up and very energetic I had my dinner took my pills and spent some quality time with her. After Pari was changed, fed and put to sleep, I called Rashi and asked her if she was able to do all the arrangement back at home to which she said that she is done with most of it and the remaining will be done by noon the next day, thanking her I dropped the call.

I was sitting on the hospital bed along with a sleeping Pari in my arms when I realised that in 2 days when she comes home with me, I need to give her majority of my time and now that I will start breastfeeding her there is no way that I can leave her with a nanny for the entire day and go to work, moreover Pari is very small for me to take her with me to office and take care of her, damn it I never thought of this.

Thinking of all this I only know one person that could help me out of all this, Sheela aunty. Though it was a little late, I called her, because I was too impatient to wait until tomorrow.

Call conversation

Sheela: Ahana, love is everything okay, are you fine child?

Ahana: Aunty I am fine nothing is wrong with me I am so sorry for calling you so late and getting you worried.

Sheela: that's okay child, don't be sorry, now tell me what's the matter, I know you would not call me this late if it wasn't important.

I tell Sheela aunty everything that happened

Sheela: ohh god, I am happy that at least she has someone like you to take care of her now.

Ahana: Aunty I actually need you help

Sheela: yes child tell me please, don't hesitate

Ahana: Aunty could you please manage INFINITY for the the next 3 months, if at all you need me in between then you can call me, in three months Pari will be 6 months old and I will hire a full time nanny and she will start coming with me to office too, but these three months I really want to spend my full time with her and build a good bond with her.

Sheela: You don't have to say please child, I understand and moreover I am little bored at home the whole day, so I could use the change and work and keep myself busy.

Ahana: thank you so much Aunty

Sheela: oh common Ahana, now just take care of yourself and that little munchkin well.

I will go tomorrow and get briefed on what is going on and will officially start from the day after okay?

Ahana: yes aunty, okay bye take care.

I was so happy that now I have no problems and the next three months I can spend with my Pari in peace.

With this thought I drifted to sleep.


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