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Karan returned home and found his mom busy gossiping with her friend. He greeted both the ladies and walked towards his room to meet his lady.

Karan entered his room and went to Kai and kissed her cheek and whispered "papa missed you princess" , he covered her nicely with her blanket.

Karan took off  his jacket and folded his shirt sleeves and went to his wife who was all snuggled up into Ayaan, he went and kissed the both of them, which did disturb their sleep and make them stir a little bit but they didn't wake up.
Karan smiled and woke Ahana up, she woke up and moved Ayaan a bit, but later turned around and snuggled into Karan and fell asleep.
He smiled at her cuteness and let her sleep for a while coz he knew after these little devils are awake they are going to keep her on her toes. Karan also fell asleep after 15mins or so.

After an hour or so, all of them were woken up by the loud ringing of Karan's phone.
Ayaan and Kai started to cry loudly at the disturbance.
Ahana woke up and calmed down Ayaan, Karan woke up and silenced his phone and picked up Kai to calm her down.

Ahana handed Karan a bottle to feed to Kai while she stripped to feed Ayaan.

Ahana: aap kab aaye?

Karan: ek ganta pehle, the three of you were sleeping and I didn't feel like waking you guys up so I slept along

Ahana: that's okay, umm Karan, can we also please go to the  supermarket today.

Karan: baby let's finish the engagement dress shopping and go home we ll see all that tomorrow

Ahana: I don't want stuff for the house, I already have enough it's just I wanted to buy some fruits for all the four of us and I also wanted to buy some cerlac, I want to start off Kai on solids.

Karan: don't worry, anyway Kai is going to be here only, and there are a lot of people here to do the work, make a list I will send someone and you can talk to Ma.

Ahana: hmmm okay, also Karan, what do you think I should buy for the engagement, a saree or lehenga?

Karan: anything baby, let's go see what we find okay

Ahana: hmmm, it's so easy for you men

Karan: I agree and thank god for that, lesser options lesser confusion

Ahana laughed at what he said and burped Ayaan and changed him into some fresh clothes. Ahana made him lay down on the bed with his toys and went to freshen up and change.

Once done she gave Karan his clothes to change, she took Kai from him and went to the living room along with Ayaan.

Ahana laid them on the play mat and sat on the sofa talking to Vinita about the engagement dress, the jewellery, shoes for her outfit and what not. The ladies were lost in their talks when Karan came and sat beside them and said

Karan: arey bas bas kitna baat karto ho tum log

Vinita: tujhe kya

Karan: kuch nahi chalo Ahana nikalte hai

Bidding bye to Vinita and Kai, Karan Ahana and Ayaan headed for shopping.

At the fourth shop they managed to find something for Ahana they also shopped for her accessories that was required for the dress, Ahana refused to buy jewellery for the dress because she had something at home that would perfectly go with the dress.

In the car,

Karan: tomorrow I will go and give the measurements for my suit it will be ready.

Ahana: yes please don't be too busy and forget okay

Karan: okay madam

Ahana: my son is such a good boy, he didn't trouble us the whole time we were out.

Karan: I agree to that, you know I think Ma is right about Ayaan, he is a stubborn child, but it's only for us.

Ahana: yeah true, my baby boy is the best

Karan: even my daughter is the best, see she is staying with her dadi and there has been no complaints of her, leave you son for two hours let's see

Ahana: whatever

Karan: baby open the dashboard

Ahana obliged and opened it, only to see it almost full with chocolates, seeing which Ahana squealed with excitement.

Ayaan was very confused with what was happening.

Ahana kissed Karan cheek and said thank you so much.

Karan: anything for you

Ahana immediately pulled out a chocolate and started to eat it, she gave a little to Karan too.

Ahana: Karan you think I can give this to Ayaan.

Karan: I don't know but a small bite I think causes no harm.

Ahana: hmm yeah, I shall give him a small bite.

She fed Ayaan a small piece of chocolate and he liked it, he demanded Ahana for more but she simply put the chocolate away.

Reaching home, Karan went to take a bath and change while Ahana sat on the bed to feed Ayaan and make him sleep. Once Ayaan was asleep she laid him in the crib.

Ahana called Vinita and they spoke about the shopping and Kai and hung up.

Karan: now that Kai isn't here and Ayaan is asleep and you're done with all your work I need all your attention.

Ahana: Yes Karan I'm all yours.

Karan and Ahana went to the living room sat on the couch and snuggled into each other.

Ahana: Karan

Karan: hmm

Ahana: can I ask you something?

Karan: sure baby anything

Ahana: tell me about Ayaan's mother

Karan: ....................

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