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After talking to Sheela aunty, Ahana spent the rest of the evening playing with Kai and also making herself some dinner, after that she and Kai freshened up and Ahana fed Kai and put her to bed as she had a long day.

After Kai was asleep, Ahana ate dinner watching some TV.

On the other hand, Karan reached home, fed Ayaan, ate dinner and started to pack his bags as he was going to stay at his parents house for 2-3months as the renovations in his apartment was going to start tomorrow, half way through his packing Ayaan started to get really cranky making Karan realise that it's time for him to sleep, so putting Ayaan to bed , Karan got back to his packing.

Sometime later, he remembered that he promised Ahana he would call her later, so he picked his phone to do so.

Ahana was responding to emails from her office when her phone rang, she frowned thinking who is calling her this late, only to realise that it's her man, blushing she answers his call.


Karan: heyyyy

Ahana: hi

Karan: what you doing?

Ahana: nothing, just checking few emails, what about you?

Karan: ohh hope I am not disturbing you, we can talk later if you're busy

Ahana: no it's alright, I am almost done and they aren't that important anyways

Karan: okayyyy, seems like someone is very eager to talk to me

Ahana: nothing like that

Karan: ouch, I am hurt, so you don't want to talk to me

Ahana: I never said that

Karan: relax, I was just pulling your leg

Ahana: hmmm, did you eat? Also, what are you doing?

Karan: yes I did eat, you?

Ahana: yes done

Karan: good, well I am just packing everything, I will be going to stay at my parents house for 2-3 months because I am getting my apartment renovated.

Ahana: ohh yeah, I know, I was the one to approve the designs

Karan: hmmm

Ahana: Sheela aunty was saying that we will be meeting at your parents house to decide the dates and stuff tomorrow evening.

Karan: yeah, maa informed me too

Ahana: hmm

Karan: so you excited, for the wedding and everything

Ahana: I am more excited to have you and Ayaan as a part of my life, you know my dream of a small happy family is finally coming true, I just hope I don't mess up.

Karan: you won't, don't worry, also I am glad to be a part of your life and I can't wait to have you and Kai around me.

Ahana: Karan, can I ask you something?

Karan: Ahana, we will be spending the rest of our lives together, I don't want you asking my permission for stuff like this and I don't want you to hesitate about anything at all.

Ahana: okay, but I will take sometime to adjust to all this

Karan: that's fine, but don't take too long, anyways you were asking something

Ahana: Karan I don't want a big wedding and all, can we please have a simple court marriage and then maybe a small party for the family, please, I don't want all this to be very overwhelming for Kai and Ayaan.

Karan: It makes sense to me, let's discuss it tomorrow with the elders, I don't have a problem though.

Ahana: I hope they agree to

Karan: don't worry, if they won't, I will talk to them

Ahana: thank you

Karan: tch, no thank you, we will be doing so much for each other from now so no formalities.

Ahana: okay, so tell me what do you do in a day

Karan: ummm, well I wake up around 6:30am and I go for a jog for 40mins or so, coming back I prepare Ayaan's bottle and go wake him up and feed him, after that I play with him for some time and get ready for the day. Around 9:30am I leave home and I am mostly busy with work  through out the day, I wrap things up by 7:30pm and I am back home by 8pm, then I spend most of my time with my son again, he is always so excited to see me in the evening it makes me feel really guilty for leaving him with the nanny all day long, but I don't have much of a choice. On weekends it's the whole day with Ayaan, when he is asleep I work or just timepass.

Ahana: that's nice, so you don't travel much for work?

Karan: I have to but I don't, there was this one time I left Ayaan with mom and dad as I had to go to Dubai for a week, the first day was not an issue, but the second day Ayaan cried his eyes out and refused to eat not having me around, and he feel sick, the third day when his condition was really bad dad called and asked me to drop everything and come back, so since then I never go leaving him. I will start my work trips again once he is big enough to understand.

Ahana: ohhh

Both Karan and Ahana spoke a lot more to each other and got to know many things about each other, their likes, dislikes, almost everything.

Around wee hours of the morning, they fell asleep. 

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