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Ahana's POV

Rashi and I stay together in a 2 bedroom apartment that I own, its a modest apartment that I have decorated according to our choices.

My life is very simple, I wake up around 6:30am everyday, I go for a morning run for 20 mins, then I make breakfast for myself and get ready for the day, I am at office by 9am max, the majority part of my day goes at work, I get back home by 8:30pm or 9pm max, I make myself some dinner and timepass before I sleep, And repeat. This is from Monday to Saturday, about Sundays then all I do is sleep in and watch some show/movies and chill with Rashi, maybe going shopping also.

But this is it, this is my life, I know very boring, but it is what it is, I am an introvert and the only friend I have is Rashi. Also, I don't really trust people sooner, I take my time.

I hope my life changes for good, and I get to meet that someone special and have a constant in my life whom I can confide in without being judged.

Yes, I also wish to have a love story, you know where the other human goes lengths to make me happy, of course I am going to do the same for him. I also wish to have a small family, a child of my own, be there for him/her always and give them whatever I have missed in my life.

Hopefully soon.

I know this is bad, but I am jealous of Rashi, she has the love of her life, they're madly in love with each other, they will be getting married soon, in a month. They guy's family doesn't have a problem with her being an orphan, they just want their son's happiness which is with Rashi. They're going to have a simple wedding in a month once she finishes her course and then Rashi is going to move back to Bangalore, I am going to be all alone in Mumbai.

Right now I am in Jaipur, I came 2 days ago to meet a client for a hotel project, which I was successful in getting for my company, now am sitting at the airport waiting to board my flight and head home, urghhhh I really miss home.

Right now I am shopping for chocolates, I just love chocolates, I never run out of chocolates, if you know me you'll know I am obsessed with chocolates, I have it everywhere, in my bag, in my car, in my cabin, just everywhere.

Damn I just have so much work pending, I haven't been to my office for almost 15 days now, first Rashi was very ill, I couldn't really leave her alone and then this Jaipur meeting.

Tomorrow when I get back there will be a truck load of work for me to do. Though there is a lot of stuff pending and I am going to have a really stressful few days ahead, I really love my job, I really love what I do.

Okayy, I got to run now, that's my flight being announced.

*time skip*

Finally, home sweet home, my bed, my comfort space.

It feels so good to be back home.

Okay lovelies, good night! 

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