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Author's POV

Around 10am Karan woke up and freshened up and went to check on Ayaan, only to see him awake and ready for the day, he had his breakfast, told the nanny that she doesn't have to come from tomorrow, he would call her when her services were needed again and shifted his belongings into the car and drove to his parents house.

Reaching Malhotra House, the servants unloaded his luggage and shifted it too his room, Karan met his mother in the living room,

Karan: hey maa, where is papa?

Vinita: hey baby, he's gone to meet his friends he will be back for lunch

Karan: ohh okay, mumma can you please take care of Ayaan, I have a really bad headache, I just want to sleep.

Vinita: do you want me to give you a tablet?

Karan: No mumma, I will sleep, it should make me feel better, if not I shall take the tablet.

Vinita: okay, you go sleep, I will be with Ayaan.

After talking to his mom, Karan just goes to his room and falls asleep as he had slept only for 3 hours last night, hence the headache.

At Ahana's house

Ahana woke up once at 7am to feed Kai and slept again cuddling her. At around 10:30am again Ahana was woken up a hungry Kai, this time after filling her stomach Kai was in no mood to go back to sleep, and Ahana had no choice but wake up now. She ordered some breakfast for herself as she was in no mood to cook and moreover her head was blasting too due to lack of sleep.

After Ahana ate her breakfast she started to work to distract herself and she put Kai on the bed with all her toys around so she could play and she wouldn't disturb Ahana.

Around 1:30pm, Kai started crying again as she was hungry, so Ahana fed her and this time however she fell asleep without causing any trouble, taking this as an advantage Ahana fell asleep too but not before setting an alarm.

At Malhotra house

Karan woke up from his nap at 1:30pm, he freshened up and went down to meet his parents and son who were busy having fun. He smiled and walked to them and joined them, soon they had their lunch and dispersed for their afternoon nap.

Karan took Ayaan with him and made him sleep. After Ayaan fell asleep, Karan sorted the boxes that were lying around in his room.

At 3pm when he was done with almost everything, he decided to call Ahana and check on her.


Ahana: hello *sleepy voice*

Karan: I am sorry, I didn't know you were sleeping, never mind I call you later.

Ahana: no its okay, what's the time?

Karan: 3:15pm

Ahana: hmm, it's okay you can talk, I was anyway going to wake up in 15 mins, I have to get ready also, I have to come to your house right.

Karan: I know baby, but if you want to sleep for some more time, you should, its okay if you come here half hour late. We don't mind.

Ahana: that's very sweet of you, but I can't do that, moreover your princess is going to wake up in sometime and cry her eyes out if I don't feed her on time, and she's going to be very cranky after, I don't want that.

Karan: hmm, but you need sleep, we were talking and you didn't sleep last night and I very well know, that to feed Kai you wake up every 3hours, you have hardly gotten any sleep.

Ahana: don't worry Karan, I am used to it from the last two and half months.

Karan: if you say so, but you better take care of yourself. Did you eat your lunch?

Ahana: nope, I just fell asleep and now its late I don't even feel like eating anything now. What about you?

Karan: I ate. This is not done, you should eat something.

Ahana: no please.

Karan: *sigh*

Ahana: there the little devil is awake, thank god, after I feed her its going to be easier to get ready.

Karan: hmm, okay you get ready, I will talk to you later.

After Karan hangs up, he orders white sauce pasta for Ahana as it is her favourite and it's also light for her to eat.

After 30 mins, the food is delivered to Ahana who is very confused as to who did it, to be honest she thought there was some mistake, meanwhile her phone pinged indicating the arrival of a message, she takes her phone out and sees that there is a message from Karan, reading which she just blushes.

Message: "Ahana, I know you might not be feeling very hungry, but there is no way I will let you skip a meal, you need to eat, not only for yourself but also for that little human who depends on you completely for nutrition, now I know you don't feel like eating that's why I ordered your fav and moreover it's light too so baby please eat the food and get ready, come soon yeah, I am waiting for you and my princess. See you soon."

Ahana felt really blessed and she was in tears as no one had ever done something so sweet for her before, she was just feeling so overwhelmed. Putting all her thoughts aside she went to freshen up and get ready to go meet her man.

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