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Ahana's POV

The next day I woke up at 8am, I slept for a decent 5hours.

The first thing I did was kiss my Pari on her forehead and then I walked to the nurse station.

Ahana: Good morning nurse, I wanted to enquire about the baby in Room202

Nurse: Good morning, well the doctor is going to come only at 11am till then we can't say much, also she has been sedated she won't be waking up for at least another 3 hours.

Ahana: ohhh okay, thank you, also could I ask you for a favour

Nurse: tell me what is it

Ahana: can I leave her here alone for an hour or an hour and half, I just want to go home and get freshened up.

Nurse: ohhh no problem, you can go, we will call you if anything.

Moreover she is sedated so it shouldn't really be a problem.

Ahana: thank you so much

After talking to the nurse I walk back into the room and kiss my baby again and quickly book an Uber to go home.

On my way home I realised so much happened in one night and I haven't told Rashi anything, so I immediately called her.


Rashi: sister, it better be important or I am dropping the call, I need to sleep

Ahana: Rashi, I found a baby last night

Rashi: woohooo, I understood its important, can you please tell me from the start on what exactly happened

Ahana: now I have decide that I am going to adopt her, I am not changing my mind about that

Rashi: Ahana that's absolutely alright, you adopt her no problem I shall help you in whatever way I can.

Ahana: Rashi I will be in the hospital for the next 3 days, could you please set things up at home for me in my absence.

Rashi: you don't worry, Shreyas and I will come over and meet you in the afternoon at the hospital and then we will go home and set everything that's required for you. I will help you finish all this and then only leave for Bangalore, I promise you that.

Ahana: Thank you so much Rashi, I don't know what I would have done with out you

Rashi: well I am with you so don't think of all that, by the way, have you thought of a name?

Ahana: not yet, but as a nickname "Pari"

Rashi: aww that's so cute, well I am very excited to meet Pari

Ahana: okay Rashi, I reached home, I am going to take a quick shower and head back to the hospital again. See you

Rashi: take care, see you.

Reaching home, Ahana quickly took a shower ate some bread and omelet for breakfast, spoke to her assistant and explained the situation to her and also asked her to manage everything in her absence and call her when ever necessary, packed few clothes and her laptop along with a few important files and drove back to the hospital.

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