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Ahana's POV

Walking into Room 202, I saw my Pari still asleep, I made sure to meet the nurse and thank her for taking care of Pari in my absence.

After placing my things neatly in a corner, I sat down to complete some work as there was still time for the doctor to come and also the officer.

Around 11am, Pari started whining I immediately called the nurse, who said that her sedation is wearing off and she removed a couple of tubes from Pari and said she should be okay now and we have to wait till the doctor comes to check on her.

The nurse also ,mentioned that the doctor would be late as there was an emergency.

I said okay we will wait and walked to the bed to take Pari in my arms, as soon as I walked to her she gave me a toothless smile which just melted my heart.

She just looked so fresh and so much more better than what I had seen last night. She looked happy and curious, every now and then she would look at me and smile or just babble.

These cute acts of her just melted my heart.

While I was spending time with Pari a lady in her late 40s walked into the room and said that she was the officer.

Officer: ma'am I heard you wanted to adopt the child

Ahana: yes ma'am, I want to adopt her, I will not be sending her to the orphanage.

Officer: okay ma'am, seems like you are already very clear with what you want.

I would like you to email me these documents so that I can get started with the paper work.

Ahana: sure Officer give me an hour time I will email you all the documents.

Officer: sure, take care.

Ahana: thank you, can you please tell me how long all this might take?

Officer: once you send the documents I will send it for verification, it will take 36-48 hours.

Ahana: okay, thank you.

Once the officer left, I went to Pari and told her that she will be mine soon officially and I could not wait to take her home.

At 12pm the doctor came to see Pari,

Doctor: she is a little weak and needs to be fed more often, otherwise she is a perfectly healthy child, no other problems and I suggest you to breast feed her.

Ahana: Doctor I am not her biological mother

Doctor: I know that, but breast milk is very important for her right now, she is only 3 months old, this is her growth period, she really needs it and moreover breastfeeding her would help you develop a better connection/bond with her

Ahana: okay so how can I, I mean..I

Doctor: I understand, you can meet the gynaecologist after lunch I shall brief her about your case, she will help you.

Ahana: okay doctor, thank you.

After the doctor left, I was very happy that there is no major problem with Pari, but I was still confused about the breastfeeding.

10 mins later my cutie pie fell asleep finishing her bottle.

I sent the officer the email with the required documents and then I started working.

Around 1:30pm Rashi and Shreyas came to meet Pari and me, there were in awww of this cute little human, they also got me lunch, while eating the three of us made a list of what is required and where what will be placed where and everything. After everything was decided and I was done with my lunch Shreyas and Rashi left go shopping and arrange things at home.

Some time later the nurse came and informed me that I should go meet the gynaecologist at 2:30pm and she would be with Pari till I am back.

I kissed Pari and left to meet the gynaecologist. 

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