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Ahana's POV

Good morning, I am so excited to be back to my regular schedule, I just hope they haven't made my office a huge mess without me being there for 15days.

Yeah I am meanie boss, it is necessary to stay that way to get the required work done otherwise no one is going to take me seriously considering my age they think its okay to overstep. But whatever it is I need to be strict and a little mean to keep my company running.

My office is not very extravagant, its a nice cozy small building with three floors, where the first is the reception and some work space is present, the second floor is divided into two parts, one is where the employees sit and work, the other is the design space, the third has a conference room and then my cabin.

Right now I have 100 people working for me, when I expand, I shall definitely change my office.

My table is flooded with files, they are so many designs lying here for my approval, damn it, okay Ahana calm down let's sort everything according to priority and start of one by one.

*time skip*


Finally I am done for the day, I know its a little later than normal but can't help, at least I managed to finish most of it.

I love to drive but Mumbai traffic is just hopeless, ummm what shall I eat for dinner today, its better if I order it now at least it will be home when I reach. I just don't have the patience to go back and cook.


Home at last, I am starving, I miss Rashi, but I think I am supposed to get used to this because she isn't going to be here with me for long anyways.


Damn it I am just not feeling sleepy.

I will just go for a walk, its nice and breezy outside, wearing a cardigan over my night dress and taking my phone and house keys I head outside for a walk.

After walking for about almost 20mins, I hear a child cry, I just ignore and sit on bench, scrolling through Instagram.

Some time has passed but the cries of the child had not stopped yet instead it got louder, it started bothering me and out of curiosity I followed the cries and went closer to see a baby lying wrapped in a blanket under a tree, I regretted not paying attention sooner and picked my pace up and went near the baby, I picked the baby up and held him close to me and looked around only to see the streets empty, I don't know what to do now, but my first thought was there is no way that this child is going to be alone or is going to be handed off to the orphanage, I ignored my thoughts and walked back to the bench to calm the child down.

Once I sat on the bench I placed him next to me to unwrap him, the moment I did so his wailing got louder, I started to panic and just continued to hold him close to me and I kept swaddling until he calmed down and fell asleep in 15 mins.

After the baby fell asleep, I walked back to the place I first saw him and searched the area to find anything related to him, but no luck.

I went back and sat on the bench and just looked at the baby having no idea what to do now.

When I kept starting at his sleeping figure I saw a paper that was placed in the blanket, taking off my cardigan and placing it on the bench I made the baby lie down on it and then pulled the paper out, and the note said,

" I am very thankful to whosoever you are, that you found my baby, I am a women who already has 3 kids and who is very poor, my husband said that if I do not give her away, he would kill her, which I never want, I am leaving her under this tree, hoping she finds a good family to take care of her otherwise at least let the government look after her, please save my child, I think its better to abandon her that to let her be killed by her own father, who does not want a girl child and who is also so poor that he cannot take the responsibility of another child. I am begging you please do good to my daughter."

After reading the note I was shocked and heart broken to understand or analyse anything, but one thing that I was sure off is that I was no way giving her away and letting her grow up in an orphanage and let her go through what I went through, I was going to give her everything I could.

I don't know how long I was sitting there anymore, once it started getting chilly I looked at time and realised it was 1:30am.

I decided to walk back home and then think of what I should actually do.

On my way home I realised that this baby whom I was referring to as him was actually a her.

That made me a little more happy.

Half way, home I realised that this poor child hadn't eaten anything, also she is not big enough to have solids, so I decided to take an Uber and go to the hospital first and then I can take some help from some one there and decide what next.

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