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Ahana's POV

I reached the hospital and walked into the emergency room with a wailing baby in my arms, a nurse walked to up to me and pointed towards the bed where I could lay the baby down, once I did so she started examining the baby.

She started to ask me questions like, when was the last time she ate, since when is she crying, why is she so cold and stuff.

I stopped her and told her about how I found the baby and where and also about the note, to which she said she needs to call a doctor to check on the child and according to the hospital policy she needs to inform the police and I need to wait here while all this happens.

After almost 15mins the doctor came out after checking the baby and told me that she is about 3 months old and she is very weak due to lack of nutrition and she will be required to stay in the hospital for at least 3 days to recover. I said that won't be a problem and please treat her with the best I shall take her responsibility and pay her bills, to which the doctor just smiled and said I can meet her once she's shifted to the ward.

30 mins later, the baby was shifted to the ward and the police had also arrived, I told them everything that had happened so far and also handed them the note I found. They kept the note with them for proof and also told me that there are so many cases like this and once she recovers she will be sent to an orphanage.

Ahana: Sir, I would like to adopt the baby girl

Policeman: Madam you don't have to rush into such a decision, I understand this is the first time you are seeing something like this, but trust me there are just way too many times than you and I can think that this happens, you don't have to get so emotional.

Ahana: no Sir I understand what you're telling me, but I am also an orphan and I don't want this girl to go through what I went through, I will adopt her Sir.

Policeman: Take your time ma'am, tomorrow an officer will come and you can give your final decision, on if you want to adopt or send her to the orphanage.

Ahana: Ok sir, thank you.

Once the policemen left, I walked into the room to see the baby girl attached to multiple tubes to feed her, I just went and sat on the stool next to the bed and thought of how my life just changed in one night.

I am not going to be alone anymore, I have this baby girl with me, who is solely going to depend on me, I need to do better, I need to take care of her and give her everything that I missed in life.

I soon started making a list of all the necessity stuff she will be needing and what changes should I do at home to make it a comfortable place for her.

In all this I realised that I should be giving her a name first before anything else, I can't keep addressing her as baby girl, after a lot of thought and research, I decided that I would name her Pari (nickname) for now and I would take my time in deciding an actual name for her.

Now that my Pari is in the hospital and has a village of people to take care of her incase something happens, I decided to sleep and leave the rest for tomorrow.

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