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Ahana got herself ready in a simple saree and Kai wearing a frock and she was looking cute in it.

At around 5:30 in the evening Sheela aunty arrived at Ahana's house so that the three of them would go to Malhotra house together.

Sheela aunty complimented Ahana for she was looking very pretty in that saree.

Taking Kai in her arms, they left to the Malhotra house.

In the car,

Ahana: Aunty, I am very nervous

Sheela: don't be Ahana, they are the sweetest people and you have already met Karan right so why you nervous.

Ahana: I don't know Aunty

Sheela: its okay Ahana, but don't worry much, everything is going to be okay.

Ahana: hmmm, I hope everything goes well.

Sheela: it will Ahana, don't get so worried

Ahana: okay

After a 30 min drive, they arrived at the Malhotra house.

They were welcomed with a lot of love by the Vinita and Vikram, exchanging hello's and greeting each other, they sat on the sofa of the living room.

Vinita had complimented Ahana on how pretty she looked in that saree, to which Ahana just blushed and thanked her.

The Malhotra couple was in awe with Kai cuteness who was nervous but curious to be in a new place.

It had been 20mins since they arrived but there was no sign of Karan yet.

Ahana was looking around trying to spot him which Vikram caught and said he got an urgent call from the office so he is on the phone dealing with whatever it is, he shall be here soon.

They were just sipping their tea's and coffee's and getting to know each other when, Kai started to crib and get cranky, this made Ahana frown as she had fed her 40mins before, she was confused with Kai behaviour, on checking her diaper she realised it was full and needed to be changed, Ahana politely asked for directions and went that way to change Kai's diaper.

When she went into the room she was directed too, she saw Ayaan sleeping peacefully in his crib, Ahana was in love with that little boy who looked so cute in his sleep she went towards him and pecked his cheek hard also making sure not to wake him.

Laying Kai in the bed, Ahana began changing her diaper, when she was done she thought its best to put Kai down too so that the elders could talk peacefully about whatever needs to be discussed.

With this thought, Ahana made Kai rest on her shoulder and started patting her back softly yet rhythmically along with humming softly, this helped Kai sleep in almost 20mins.

Once Ahana was sure that Kai was asleep she put her on the bed to sleep peacefully and arranged pillows around her for safety, while she was doing all this Karan walked into the room, he had a soft smile on his lips looking at her care.

He slowly walked towards her and tapped her back which scared Ahana, she was going to shriek but Karan stopped her as it would be a problem if both the babies wake up.

Looking at Karan, Ahana relaxed a little, however she soon shocked him by taking him into a sudden hug.

Karan being shocked did not respond instantly to the hug, but composing himself he wrapped his arms around her.

Still in the hug,

Ahana: Thank you

Karan: for what? *confused*

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