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Sheela Aunty's POV

I have been handling INFINITY since two months now, though I asked Ahana not to come back to work, up until Kai is 6months she just doesn't listen.

She comes to office twice a week now and takes care of most of the work and lets me just attend a few meetings to finalise the contracts, deals and all that stuff.

Anyways, two days ago my old friend Mr Vikram Malhotra had come to meet me for getting his son's cabin and apartment designed, when he came to meet me regarding the designs he also mentioned on how his life has taken a complete turn now and things have gone a little bad in his life.

Vikram: Sheela, my wife (Vinita) and I are having a very tough time currently, we both have retired and Karan (his son), has taken over the company which I am very thankful for and he is doing a really great job and I am very proud of him.

He married his girlfriend 3 years ago inspite of Vinita and me telling a no, they had a baby 3 months ago and his wife left him after the birth of the baby, he's completely helpless now and I want him to get married and I also want the kid to have a mother.

If you know anyone please let me know.

Sheela: Sure I will let you know.

Since this conversation of theirs two days ago, I can't help but tell them about Ahana and help her get settled and also fulfil her wish of having a family.

Now that even Ahana has a baby with her, I think this is the best, Even Pari needs a father figure in her life going forward, and I also know that Karan is a very good and smart guy who will keep Ahana happy, I have seen Karan grow up and I know him in and out.

I have to talk to Ahana and then I will talk to Vikram.

With this thought, I left office early, also there was not much work left to do.



I just hope she agrees to this, I would be very happy if she gets a family and settles in life, I know she has everything that she wants in life now, but the only thing missing in her life is a family, I just hope she thinks with an open mind and agrees to this.


It's so tiring to look after a baby it's not an easy job at all.

Kai just has so much energy, god knows what I will do once she starts to crawl and then walk.

Anyways, coming to what I am doing now, well I am admiring the sleeping baby in my arms. She just looks so cute and peaceful.

I decided to put Pari in her crib and get some work done and also clean the house a little.

After 20 mins I was done tidying the house and I was just checking a few mails I had received from office, while I was busy replying to them my door bell rang which is very odd because I almost never have guests over, and upto my parcels then it is the security who takes it and I collect them later, so I was a bit shocked and scared to who it might be.

With hesitation I walk the and peep though the hole to see Sheela aunty, I was a little surprised seeing her however, I opened the door and welcomed her in.

After exchanging some pleasantries and talking about work, I asked her directly,

Ahana: Aunty what happened, what is it that you want to tell me what is so important that you came home and it could not wait until I came to office day after.

Sheela: Ahana I don't want to beat around the bush, but, you know my friend Vikram Malhotra right?

Ahana: yes

Sheela: well he had come to the office two days back to meet me regarding work and when we were catching up on what was happening in each others life, he told me about his son Karan who is a single dad, his wife left them after the birth of his child and right now they want him to get married again so that he can settle and the child has a mother, he asked me to tell him if I know someone, before I told him anything I wanted to talk to you, I will tell them about you Ahana, I think you should meet him .

Ahana: aunty but.... I

Sheela: Ahana, baby listen, you have everything in your life I know, but a family, if you give this a chance, you will get a family and also Pari will have a father figure in her life, if he was a bad guy I would never come to you with it, he is a very good guy.

Also, once I tell them about you, you meet him once, talk to him and decide, you don't have to tell me answer now, please Ahana.

Ahana: okay Aunty, I will give it a chance, I shall meet him and then decide, you can go ahead and tell them about me.

Sheela: I am so happy, I know you will not say a no, wait and watch.

Ahana: Okay, you sit here, I will just check on Kai and then make some coffee for the both of us.

Author's POV

As soon as Ahana left the place, an over excited Sheela called Vikram and told him everything about Ahana and her life and told that she would be a perfect match for Karan and his child but before deciding anything she wants to meet Karan, to which Vikram said that he will talk to Karan and Vinita and call her back.

After this Sheela spent some time with Ahana and Pari and left the place saying she will call her when she knows something.


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