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The next morning, Karan woke up and saw Ayaan sleeping next to him, but his beautiful soon to be wife was missing.

Karan walked out of the room in search of Ahana and found her humming and cooking in the kitchen. Karan settled on the stool near the counter and watched her.

Karan: aaj koi bohot achha mood mein hai, nice nice

Ahana smiled the moment she heard him, and said "haa I feel very happy today"

Karan: that's nice, waise what's for breakfast ?

Ahana: banana milkshake, scrambled eggs,toast and sausages

Karan: ohh wow

Ahana: karan

Karan: hmm

Ahana: can you drop me to Malhotra house on your way to work, I will meet Kai and spend some time with Ma also.

Karan: baby, I can't drop you on my way, but don't worry, I will ask the driver to come and pick you up around 11-11:30am, you can get ready aaram se, you won't have to rush.

Ahana: okay sounds good to me, I still have to feed Ayaan and get him ready for the day.

Karan: yeah, you can finish all that in peace, I will send the driver.

Ahana: hmmm, it's been so gloomy around, Ayaan is just not his usual self, he's so tired and the fever, my poor baby boy.

Karan: I know, he's been so low, don't worry though, he ll be fine in two days

Ahana: hmm

Karan: okay baby, see you, I am going to get ready for the day.

Ahana: sure

With this Karan went into the room to get ready, where as Ahana completed making the breakfast and went into the room to check on Ayaan.

Ayaan was still sleeping, Ahana took Karan's clothes out for office and picked up the toys that were all around the room and then sat beside Ayaan, she picked him carefully not wanting to disturb his beauty sleep.
Making Ayaan comfortable on her lap, Ahana lowered her top and bra cup and rubbed her nipple in Ayaan's lip, sensing it he immediately latched on to her nipple and sucked it rhythmically and softly.
Ahana was playing with his hair and rubbing his back gently.

Karan walked out of the washroom with a towel around his waist and looking as fresh as a flower.
He went towards Ahana and pecked her lips.

Karan looked at his clothes on the couch of their room and said, baby don't spoil me like this please.

Ahana: I will

Karan just shook his head and got dressed.
Ayaan had also woken open up with all the chaos around.
He had a huge smile looking at both his parents in front of him, he just snuggled more into Ahana and continued to take his feed.

Karan: I can never be tired of this view, it's just so blissful, I fall short of words to express the way I feel.

Ahana: yeah, I am genuinely going to miss all this when these two grow up.

Karan: hmm, you feed him, I will get breakfast for the both of us, let's have it here only.

Ahana: Okayyy

Karan and Ahana had their breakfast with a chirpy Ayaan who seemed to be feeling better and a little active.

After the breakfast Karan bid bye and left for work whereas Ahana moved to the bathroom to get everything ready for Ayaan.
She gave him a bath and took one herself and the both of them got dressed for the day.
Ahana also packed a bag with all the necessities and called the driver.

The driver was to arrive in 15mins so Ahana cleaned the house a little bit and left to Malhotra house along with Ayaan when the driver arrived.

At Malhotra house,

Ahana entered and saw a very happy Kai, she was getting a body massage from her dadi and was watching cartoons.

Ahana went towards them and made Ayaan sleep on the crib that was in the living room and picked up Kai and hugged her tight and kissed her hard "mumma missed you Kai" to which Kai just giggled and got lost in her cartoon.
Ahana laid her back down and settled on the couch.

Vinita: she is such an easy going child, Vikram and I have had the best time in her presence.

Ahana: I am glad she didn't trouble much Ma

Vinita: nope she is a good kid, so how's Ayaan?

Ahana: much better, he feels very tired, but his fever is okay compared to yesterday.

Vinita: hmmm, I don't think I can handle Ayaan alone anymore, I was telling This to Karan too and even he agrees. That day when you guys had gone ring shopping he made it so hard for us here, I couldn't believe he is the same child who we have been taking care off since the time he first opened his eyes.

Ahana: *laughs* arey no Ma, my son is the best he doesn't trouble anyone.

Vinita: ahhh easy for you to say, coz he doesn't trouble you. Honestly Ahana, I think he has a little separation anxiety, I mean you had just started to feed him and the next day not finding you has made him so worried then imagine.

Ahana: hmm yeah Ma, even I feel so, you know Kai has no problem being bottlefed but Ayaan hates it, he just refuses, even though it's me feeding him.

Vinita: hmm he feels safe with you, I don't think he has ever felt that way till now.
Before you it was Karan, even for the slightest thing he needed him.
Lekin a mother is a mother.

Ahana: hmmm

Vinita: so till when are you planning to breastfeed them?

Ahana: Kai is already 10months now, I have reduced the frequency for her Ma and I think I will stop breast feeding her when she turns 1. For Ayaan, I plan to continue till he is one and half year old or 2 years old Ma, he is so weak, I can see him slowly putting on weight also, I don't plan on stopping anytime sooner for him.

Vinita: yeah I have noticed changes in Ayaan since you started feeding him.

Ahana: I ll take Kai give her a bath, feed her and put her to sleep Ma, you take rest too.

Vinita: sure

Ahana picked Kai in her arms and Vinita picked Ayaan and they went to Karan's room, Vinita made Ayaan sleep on the bed whereas, Ahana went into the bathroom to bathe Kai.
After giving Kai a nice warm bath, Ahana wrapped her in a towel and sat down on the bed to feed her.

Ahana was feeding Kai when she got a call from Karan.

Call conversation

Karan: hey baby, what you doing?

Ahana: hey nothing much actually, both the kids are asleep.

Karan: hmmm nice

Ahana: done with your meeting?

Karan: yup, I ll just look into some work and will come to Malhotra house in 2 hours

Ahana: hmm okay

Karan: the house is almost ready, they had called today, let's go check the place out what say?

Ahana: sure let's go whenever

Karan: mostly after shopping

Ahana: hmmm, Karan

Karan: yes baby

Ahana: can you please get me chocolates on the way back home, pretty please

Karan: sure baby

Ahana: yay thank you

Karan: okay jaana, you sleep now and take rest, I will come and wake you up we can have lunch together and then go shopping.

Ahana: hmm okay

After the call Karan got busy with work, where as Ahana feel asleep waiting for Karan.

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