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Author's POV

Karan was busy working, but he kept checking if the kids were okay or not. It was more than an hour since Karan was working, he decided to take a break. He put his laptop aside and went in to check on Ahana, she was sleeping peacefully, Karan just kissed her forehead without disturbing her sleep and walked out of the room. He saw Kai getting very restless, but Ayaan was just lost in observing his new surroundings.

Karan picked Kai in his arms and started bouncing her which calmed her down a little, she just kept her head on Karan's shoulder and snuggled into him.

Karan went into the kitchen to make green tea for himself, when he heard Ayaan wailing. He quickly lowered the flame and walked out to check on Ayaan. He picked Ayaan in his arms and tried to calm him down but it was of no use, when he checked his diaper he got his answer, placing Ayaan back on his play mat along with Kai, Karan went to get the needed for Ayaan, changing his diaper he walked into the kitchen to get his green tea.

Coming to the living room, Karan turned the tv on to pass sometime, looking at him Kai started whining again, Karan picked her up and "kya hua bacha, why so cranky, hmmm, see papa is right here" listening to him she just smiled and started sucking his nose, Karan laughed and wiped his nose and made Kai sit on his lap so she could also watch some tv with him.

She sat calm for almost 10 mins but after that she started wailing loudly, listening to her even Ayaan started wailing loudly. Karan was very confused as to what happened to the both of them.

Karan picked both of them up and started to calm them, Ayaan was a little a calm but Kai would just not stop crying, Karan placed her on the mat and walked into the room to wake Ahana up. He just could not handle the kids without her, it was always hard for him but he had help, either his mom or the nanny.

Karan walked into the room and started patting Ahana lightly, she woke up and before she or Karan could say anything they heard Kai's crying get louder, Ahana immediately woke up and went to pick Kai in her arms, Kai calmed down a little but she was still sniffing.

Ahana "kya hua hai baby, see mumma is right here, papa is also there, see, even Ayaan is so calm what happened to you sweety. Mumma ko miss kiya aapne, lekin mumma toh yahi hai see" saying so she kissed Kai's cheek and she had calmed down by now.

Karan was looking at Ahana in complete awe, she had managed to make her stop crying so calmly, like it was nothing.

Once Ahana calmed Kai down she put her down and picked Ayaan up, "heyyyyy baby, aap good boy hai, aapne toh papa ko ekdum tang nahi kiya, very good baby." She kissed Ayaan's cheek hard he just smiled and snuggled into her.

Karan came and sat beside Ahana and asked how do you know that Ayaan didn't trouble me much?

Ahana replied, I know Kai, if she doesn't see me she gets cranky and that's exactly what happened now, and about Ayaan, I have noticed he is very calm, as far as he is kept busy he doesn't really care about what's happening around him, he just has to be entertained or he has to sleep.

Karan just hummed and picked his laptop and got back to doing his work.

Ahana noticed his green tea and asked if she should reheat it for him and he replied positively.

Ahana walked into the kitchen with Ayaan in her arms and made green tea for herself and Karan.

She went to the living room with the mugs in her hand, she gave one to Karan and sat next to him.

Ahana: Karan

Karan: hmmm

Ahana: go sleep, its 1 am, you have to go to the office also tomorrow.

Karan: ohh about that, no I am not going tomorrow, I am working from home. We can finish the ring shopping and then Ayaan and my things will be shifted here by 4 in the evening.

Ahana: ohh okay

Karan: let's go to Malhotra house at 12pm, we can leave the kids there, Ma and Papa will take care of them while we go get the rings.

Ahana: okay, also Karan what time shall I take the appointment for Ayaan's vaccination?

Karan: you don't worry about all that baby, you just tell me the time, I will ask Aniket to clear my schedule accordingly and he will take the appointment.

Ahana: then you just let me know the time, I will be ready with Ayaan.

Karan: sure, also Ahana, do you want me to stay home with you after his vaccination?

Ahana: no Karan, its okay, I ll manage, thank you for asking though

Karan: tch what thank you, its my responsibility to take care of them as much as it is yours

Ahana: okay okay, no thank you, I can manage okay

Karan: okay, if you say so

Both Karan and Ahana were busy talking to each other about random things when Ayaan started to get cranky and whiny.

Ahana 'kya hua hai meri jaan, nini aayi hai aapko, chalo mumma sang, apko dudu pi ke, phir aap aram se nini kar lena thik'

Ahana: Karan I ll feed Ayaan and put him to sleep, you go sleep too

Karan: no Ahana its okay, I ll stay here with Kai, you go feed him and make him sleep.

Ahana: okay

Ahana takes Ayaan in the room and places him on the bed which only makes him wail out loud, Ahana 'aa Rahi hai bachcha mumma, see I am here only, two mins baby' saying so Ahana quickly unbuttons her top and takes off her bra and takes Ayaan in his lap and she helps him latch on to her nipple which immediately calms him down. Ahana pats his bottom while he is calmly sucking on her nipple and filling his chotu stomach.

Ahana ' uff jaan see, its so simple, Lekin nahi my baby has to make a fuss in just 5 mins nahi'

30mins later, Ayaan was fast asleep in Ahana's arms. She slowly took her nipple off his mouth and patted his back in a soothing manner for 10mins and placed him on the crib so he could sleep peacefully.

Ahana went out into the living room and took Kai from Karan and asked him to sleep to which he said no you go ahead and feed her, I have to do some more work so I will take time.

Taking Kai and feeding her and putting her to bed, Ahana walked into the living room and settled next to Karan.

Ahana side hugged Karan and started reading a book and Karan was working.

Around 3am Karan finished his work, only to see Ahana nicely cuddled up to him and fast asleep. Looking at her sleeping so peacefully, Karan smiled and started caressing her hair and thought "I am so lucky to have her in my life, after all the mess I had in life, she is a breath of fresh air for me, she just makes things so easy for me, I am so glad I have her in my life, Ayaan seems so happy in her presence, thank heavens I found her and I was able to fill the void in my son's life. Thank you god for this perfect little family, please keep us safe."

Karan carefully picked Ahana in his arms and laid her on the bed and slept beside her.

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