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It was on that Sunday afternoon that Louis decided he would leave. He was not supposed to but his last straw was when he tripped on a lego that one of his sisters probably dropped. It was too much. So he packed his things, took the money he spared for whatever reason -to seem responsible probably- and got his ass in his car.

Louis is tired of his life, which is unnecessarily boring and sad. He needs to find himself a possible thing to do with his life. You may think that it is an overreaction from Louis to just leave his house because he did not yet find anything interesting to do with his life, and maybe it was.

Now it is too late anyway.

Louis is already in his car and driving away from home. He does not know what he is going to do. And maybe he is not going to do anything and come back home tomorrow, crying because it was a stupid idea. Or maybe he is going to find that little thing that is missing for him to be finally happy in life. It will be kind of hard to find that thing if he does not really know what it is, but he will try.

It is getting dark outside when he is nearing the state of Arizona. He still does not have a single idea of what he is going to do and he is not even sure if he has enough stuff for that trip that does not really have an expiration date. He does not know where he is going to sleep -or where he is going at all-, nor if he has enough money for everything he will need -like food, hotel rooms sometimes, and maybe some cultural thingies?

Maybe he should have thought this through a little bit more. Or maybe just a little bit at all.

But as previously said, too late. And it is not like he left forever. It is temporary, just a nice little escapade. He could not leave his mum and siblings too long anyway. He just needs time away from all he ever knew and away from his stupid neighbors who are stupid -did he mention that already?- and loud, and nosy. The neighbor thing is actually a bonus, not the main reason why he left.

Anyways, Louis keeps driving toward what he knows will be the sign saying "Arizona, the Grand Canyon state". Louis curiously did some research about Arizona a few weeks back. Maybe he should go visit the Grand Canyon? He means he can because he has absolutely no plan for this little trip. So he can literally do anything, anytime. He can eat breakfast at two in the morning and his mum will not tell him not to do it. He can sleep all day long and then drive at night.

Maybe this trip will be bad for his schedule but adventurers don't know any schedule.

That reminds him it is his turn to do the laundry on his family's schedule. Louis wonders what his mum is gonna say once she comes back from Louis' grandma's house. She is probably going to freak out. But Louis left her a note, so he figures it'll be alright.

His mum will probably kill him when he comes back.

The note says:

'Hey mum, I left for a little trip by myself! sorry for the laundry :)


So yeah, she is going to track him down and kill him. Maybe not track him down, because his mum actually has things to do with her life, unlike Louis.

Louis sighed and it resonated in the empty and silent car. Why did he not put music on? It was too silent in there. Anyone seeing this must think that Louis' life is utterly depressing. Which kind of is. Look at him, running away from home like it will solve all of his problems and help him find everything he ever wanted to find like in every book and film. Sorry to disappoint but it will probably not be this way in real life. And this is real life.

Louis should probably stop at the next rest station to go to the loo and rest a bit maybe. He has a long way ahead of him and he did not sleep well the past few nights. He should rest.

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