Chapter 20

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After two hours or so, they stop and Louis takes over the wheel. It is hard to convince Harry, but he quickly gives up once Louis starts pouting.

"Fine! But I hate you." He says before rolling his eyes.

"Of course you do, baby." Louis replies, pecking his lips. The way Harry chases them when they detach goes against the 'I hate you' and Louis makes sure to point it out, which makes Harry roll his eyes again.

They are back on the road, music softly playing in the background, the only real sound being Harry soft snoring beside him.

Louis thinks about this morning, when Harry told him he will take Louis on a date. Just by thinking about it, Louis grins and his inside swoop. No one ever took him on a date, or at least never someone Louis liked. And Harry, lovely Harry, said he wanted Louis to go on a date with him.

But there is this part of Louis which can't stop wondering if Harry just said that as a joke or if he meant it. Louis hopes he meant it. What would they even do for their date? Go to a restaurant?

Thinking about it, they already went to the restaurant together and it kind of looked like a date. It was not. But it looked like it.

Louis glances sideways when he hears Harry making a little noise. Harry still has his eyes closed but his hand is patting the seat, then he reaches over the center control, pats, pats, until he finds Louis' hand and intertwines their fingers. A smile takes over the frown and Louis' cheeks start hurting from the smile that just appeared.

"Lou?" He hears Harry's sleepy voice calling.

"Yeah, baby?" He answers and does not miss the smile that stretches Harry's lips at the endearment.

"How long until we arrive?" Harry asks, stretching as much as he can with his gigantic legs. His eyes are still closed.

"Around seven hours, I'd say. You can sleep a bit longer if you want, love." He accentuates his words by squeezing Harry's hand. Harry just shakes his head in response, his eyes fluttering open.

"I'm okay." He assures, sitting up. "I just had a dream about you." He then adds, almost shyly. Louis' eyebrow shot to his hairline, very surprised by what he just heard.

"Really? What was your dream about?" Louis can't stop himself from asking. He is curious, sue him. Harry blushes and clears his throat. Oh, this promises to be interesting.

"Was it a nasty dream about me?" Louis teases, only making Harry blush more and groan. "Was it?"

"No." Harry chuckles. "I wish, but it was actually just a dream about us dancing in the rain to The way I loved you." He smiles.

"We should do that, one day." Louis replies, grinning.

"Yeah? We just have to wait for the rain, then." He says enthusiastically.

Louis keeps driving, a comfortable silence settling between them. Harry is on his phone, texting someone, and if Louis sometimes tries to sneak a peek at the ID, he does not succeed. Harry looks up from his phone and Louis quickly looks back at the road. Not quickly enough, apparently.

"Were you trying to read my texts?" He asks.

"No?" Louis asks more than answers. He clears his throat. "Well, I kinda tried to see who you were texting, but I wasn't reading the texts."

"Jealous much?" Harry teases, and well. Yes, kind of.

"'M not jealous." He still says. "Just curious." He shrugs nonchalantly, but maybe he was a tiny bit jealous.

Harry hums, a smirk playing at his lips, making Louis roll his eyes.

"Just admit that you're jealous, baby." Harry says teasingly and Louis blushes at the pet name. Harry rarely calls him baby. He means, it has not been so long since they started calling each other pet names, but still. Louis uses them really often.

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