Chapter 37

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After two wonderful days spent together laughing, having picnics in the park with all the Tomlinson family, Harry bonding with Lottie and Fizzy over music, Louis falling even more in love with Harry, if possible, the time has come for Harry to leave.

It is almost Monday evening and Harry has finished packing, his plane being in a few hours. Louis has watched him pack, his lips turning down the more things he stuffed carefully inside his suitcase. Once he is finished, he looks up at Louis with a sad smile and walks to him. He stops when he is in between Louis' legs, each hand coming to cup Louis' jaw and tilt his head up softly.

They smile sadly at each other and Harry bends down to press their lips together in a sweet kiss, filled with love and not enough time.

Louis wants to tell him he does not want him to leave, for him to stay here instead, but it is also his own choice to take time, no matter how sure he is about Harry. It would not be fair to say this. So he says nothing and grabs Harry's waist instead, guiding him on his lap.

Harry pulls away from the kiss, his lips shining for a whole different reason than his eyes, but Louis ignores it just like Harry ignores Louis' own sad features.

Harry looks inside Louis' eyes and Louis feels like Harry is touching his soul, not sure how this is possible. He observes and his soft voice whispers, "I love your eyes. I'm gonna miss getting lost in those."

Louis lets out a breathy laugh and leans his head on Harry's collarbone. "Me too." Louis admits and kisses Harry's skin.

It is a soft kiss at first, but it swiftly turns into a bite, Louis desperately wanting Harry to have a reminder of Louis on his skin, wanting him to remember all of their moments spent together with just a mark on his flesh.

"Lou..." Harry breathes, his hands tangling in Louis' hair, a sign that he likes it.

So Louis keeps nipping, soothing, then biting again, repeating the same motion as long as Harry lets out sounds of pleasure rather than pain and until he sees the blossoming of a hickey. It is hidden from view, except if Harry decides to wear a shirt and like the diva he is, lets it half open.

As soon as his lips are disconnected from the skin of Harry's collarbone, the hand in his hair guides his head up and Harry kisses Louis desperately. Not desperate for sex, but desperate to stay by each other's side.

After making out for ten more minutes, at least, they just hug. Louis thinks maybe he squeezes Harry's soul out of his body, like his sisters claim he does, but Harry embraces Louis the same, so he does not find it in himself to care.

Unfortunately, the call they both fear arrives. Louis' mum knocks on their door and says it is time for them to leave. Louis does not want to let go if it means he does not get to sleep cuddled to Harry for a month.

"I don't want to let go." Louis admits in a whisper. He tries not to say he does not want Harry to go at all, because he knows that Harry would cancel everything he has planned and stay here. And Louis, as much as he wants him to stay, does not want him to feel like Louis is selfish and is the reason why Harry does not do anything else.

"Me neither." He sighs but they pull away from each other nonetheless. They tangle their fingers and Louis takes Harry's suitcase before they go downstairs to say goodbye.

Harry hugs them all, spending an extra minute with Doris and Ernest. The sight makes Louis' heart melt in his chest and the fondest smile blossoming on his lips.

Finally, it is time to go. They load the trunk, get in the car and wave at Louis' family as they pull out of the driveway. Their linked hands rest on Harry's thigh, and they stay silent.

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