Chapter 45

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"Are you writing a song about me?" Louis glances behind his shoulder at Harry while emptying the last box.

The two of them were finally emptying the last boxes when Harry asked Louis if he could finish alone because he just thought of something. Louis had let him, of course, as he would surely be fine putting things away in the kitchen cupboards.

Harry looks up, a small smile upon his lips. The hand that is not scribbling in his notebook is scratching Kitty's head.

"I actually am, yeah." A blush creeps up his cheek as he looks at him. Louis chuckles, forgetting about the pans as he walks to their new couch.

Regretfully, Louis had to say goodbye to the cloud that was Harry's couch. Their new one is comfortable but not as much. Maybe with a bit of use it will feel the same. Louis hopes so.

He sits beside his boyfriend, looking above his shoulder. Harry looks behind him with narrowed eyes as he closes his notebook.

"Nuh-uh." He shakes his head with a teasing smile, making Louis groan.

"Come on! Just a glimpse." He pouts, hoping Harry will cave. He does with a heavy sign and a pinch of Louis' thigh.


He opens the notebook and Louis reads a few scribbled words. One is repeatedly written in different phrases. Not that it did not catch his eyes first, but it is more prominent to see it as much.

"Sunflower?" He says out loud, letting his chin rest on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"Humhum. Makes me think of you, but I think I've already said as much, haven't I?" His lips curve and he turns to face Louis, pecking his lips quickly.

The simple contact makes Louis' whole body tingle, a burst of happiness exploding in his tummy and a smitten giggle threatening to tumble out of his lips.

"You have, indeed. But I don't mind. Please keep saying it."

Louis can feel his eyes crinkle in the corner as he watches Harry's lips twitch.

"You like it? Ugh. Might change it to 'hamburger', then." He ponders, tilting his head as he pretends to be in thoughts. "Or 'cauliflower'." He says, then repeats the word and nods, seeming satisfied with himself as he gazes back at Louis.

"You're annoying, you know that? You just turned a romantic moment into whatever this is." Louis shakes his head.

Harry rolls his eyes and pinches Louis' thigh again. "Fine, let me make it up by singing a few lines to you. Is that enough?" He raises an eyebrow and Louis nods.

"Go on, I'm listening." He says and gives Harry space so he can take his guitar.

Of course, it is beautiful and Harry sounds incredible. Nothing surprising, really, he always does. But it never keeps Louis from being greatly surprised.

It has only been a month since they have been living there together, but living there with Harry is beyond everything Louis could have ever pictured or imagined.

And Louis' first week as a teacher is over. He is proud to say that it went great, despite it being hard at first. Taking up classes at the end of a school year, just before exams, is quite complicated. But he managed pretty well. It may have taken him a day or two to take the hang of it, but he managed pretty well in the end.

He met other teachers, too, and he gets along really well with Cal and Dany, who teach literature and philosophy. They eat together every lunch break, and while Edward, another teacher, is always there with them, he never talks much. Or at all. Louis does not think he ever heard the sound of his voice. The man's nose is always in a book or a newspaper.

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